These are just my notes so I can run through without blowing something up and I don't need to constantly remember which websites were where.

Thanks to:

  • - Firmware

  • - OTA Flashing

  • Connect to power

    • If connecting to an extension neutral should be the thicker prong
  • Configure DIY Mode

    • Hold button (10-20 seconds)
      • Should start flashing constantly
    • Connect to Sonoff mini DIY mode
      • Hotspot ITEAD-* wifi hotspot
      • Password: 12345678
    • Nagivate to
    • Enter wifi credentials
  • Flash with Tasmota

    • Find IP Address (hostname EPS_*)
    • Run ./ -i <ip address> (
    • Press y
    • May take a minute or two to finish
  • Configure Sonoff WIFI

    • Connect to Tasmota wifi hotpot
      • TASMOTA_*
    • Web browser should automatically redirect
    • Enter wifi credentials
  • Configure Sonoff

    • Navigate to ip address from earlier (hostname now tasmota_*)
    • Upgrade Firmware
      • Click Firmware Upgrade
      • Click Start upgrade (OTA Url)
    • Load sonoff-mini config
      • Click Configuration
      • Click Configure Other
      • Enter the following Tempate
        {"NAME":"Sonoff Mini","GPIO":[32,0,0,0,160,0,0,0,224,320,0,0,1,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1}
      • Enable MQTT
      • Enable WeMo emulation
    • Update hostname
      • Click Configuration
      • Click Configure WiFi
      • Enter Hostname
      • Click Save