Static Resource Deployment Pipeline

Deploy static resources to Salesforce sandboxes.


Branch File Deployment Sandbox(es) Validation Sandbox(es) Approver(s)
main INT INT none
main QA QA none
main Training Training & UAT devops
  1. Commit: Commit static resource ZIP content to origin/main branch.
  2. Trigger: Manual trigger through workflow_dispatch with a required input for the target environment (int, qa, or training).
  3. Approval: If applicable, wait for approval for the requested deployment.
  4. Validate: Validate the correct content deployed to the targeted sandbox.

Metadata Information

During deployment, the workflow checks for a _METADATA.INI file to extract the version number. If the file is missing or lacks a version, it defaults to "0.0.0 (UNDEFINED)". The description for the Salesforce resource is then created in the format: v$VERSION - {{ github.event.sender.login }} - $(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'). For example, it might generate v0.0.1 - dmoruzzi - 2023-12-31 13:12:11.

Sample Configuration File

Save _METADATA.INI in the root of the ZIP file with the following contents:

VERSION = "0.0.1"

Roles and Responsibilities

Type Description Team Frequency
Usage Commit static resource ZIP content to origin/main branch Static Resource Team Per Usage
Usage Validate the correct sandbox selection for the target sandbox Static Resource Team Per Usage
Usage Validate the successful deployment of static resources Static Resource Team Per Usage
Usage Initial failure triage and notification of deployment issues Static Resource Team Per Issue
Sustainment Passphrase rotation of Salesforce CLI authentication tokens + GitHub Secrets configuration DevOps Yearly
Sustainment Passphrase rotation of Service Integration GitHub authentication tokens + GitHub Secrets configuration on Static Resource Team GitHub repository DevOps Yearly
Innovation Adding support to new salesforce sandboxes to meet new quality acceptance sandboxes requirements DevOps Project Allocation
Innovation Integrating deployment pipeline with requested features DevOps Project Allocation
Innovation Resolving deployment pipeline issues DevOps Reasonable Effort and/or Project Allocation
Quality Gate Right to suspend deployment pipeline DevOps As Needed
Quality Gate Right to revoke Service Integration token authorization DevOps As Needed
Quality Gate Right to revoke Salesforce CLI token authorization per sandbox DevOps As Needed
Quality Gate Right to revoke individual contributor authorization to pipeline DevOps As Needed

This workflow is a quality-improvement pipeline and is not considered a production pipeline. As such, there are no service level guarantees or continued support agreements. In the event of an issue, corrections and enhancements are made on a reasonable effort basis but are not guaranteed.

In the event the static resource pipeline is unavailable, please contact the DevOps team to engage a manual deployment of the static resources.

Workflow Details

  • Trigger: Manual trigger through workflow_dispatch with a required input for the target environment (int, qa, or training).
  • _METADATA.INI file is an optional*[1] input on the root of the ZIP file containing metadata associated with the static resource.


  1. Prepare Job Variables & Structure: Set environment variables and create necessary directories.
  2. Checkout Code: Checkout the main branch of the repository.
  3. Verify Target Application File: Check for the existence of the target application file and create an issue if it's missing.
  4. Cache Salesforce CLI: Cache the Salesforce CLI to improve performance and avoid frequent downloads.
  5. Install Salesforce CLI: Install the Salesforce CLI if it is not cached.
  6. Add Salesforce CLI to PATH: Ensure the Salesforce CLI is available in the system path.
  7. Display Salesforce CLI Version: Display the version of the installed Salesforce CLI.
  8. Generate Placeholder Salesforce Project: Generate a placeholder Salesforce project to facilitate deployments.
  9. Make Static Resource Folder Structure: Create the static resource folder structure.
  10. Extract Target Application File: Unzip the target application file into the static resource directory.
  11. Parse Metadata Information: Read metadata information and create a .resource-meta.xml file.
  12. Authenticate to Salesforce: Log in to the appropriate Salesforce environment based on the target.
  13. Check Resource Deployability: Perform a dry-run deployment to check for issues.
  14. Display Deployment Check Log: Review and display logs from the deployment check.
  15. Deploy Static Resource: Deploy the static resource to Salesforce.
  16. Upload Deployment Log: Upload the deployment log for later review.


Environment Secret Name Description
int AUTH_INT Salesforce sfdxAuthUrl; restrict secret to deployment environment & restrict access to origin/main branch only
qa AUTH_QA Salesforce sfdxAuthUrl; restrict secret to deployment environment & restrict access to origin/main branch only
training AUTH_TRAINING Salesforce sfdxAuthUrl; restrict secret to deployment environment & restrict access to origin/main branch only
training AUTH_UAT Salesforce sfdxAuthUrl; restrict secret to deployment environment & restrict access to origin/main branch only -- used strictly to validate (not deploy) UAT environment for training deployments


Issues are logged as GitHub issues with appropriate labels and descriptions. Please refer to the workflow run for more details.

Points of Contact

NetId Name Description Team
dmoruzzi David Moruzzi Deployment pipeline maintainer DevOps
scarrion Scott Carrion Service Integration owner DevOps
pharrington Patrick Harrington Lead requirements engineer Static Resource Team
gkelly Gabriel Kelly Integration pipeline maintainer Static Resource Team

Future Discussions

The below are some of the areas that were brought up during the development design process:

  • Onboard an additional service integration account for GitHub accounts to better manage access; grant SI_2 access to write to develop and then grant SI_1 access to: Actions=Read/Write, Contents=Read/Write,Variables=Read/Write and then have a separate GitHub Workflow tracking pushes to the deploy branch; if push contains,, or then write to the main branch and then trigger the deployment pipeline.
  • Centralize deployment frequency metrics for time/cost savings calculations to accurately priorize pipeline innovation time compared to other areas of innovation.
  • Offload GitHub event senders access control to Active Directory groups synced with GitHub Teams.
  • Automate Azure DevOps (ADO) comments on pre-defined work items per metadata information.
  • Automate Jira issue transitions to move work items to an appropriate state per metadata information.
  • Deployment pipeline of static resources to children development sandboxes.

[1]: This field is likely to become mandatory in the future.