
Inline CSS and JS in your form media

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Author:Derek Payton

Ever run into a situation where it would just be so incredibly handy to be able to render inline CSS or JS in your Django form media?

This lets you do that.

It all started with ticket #13978, which I championed for a while. However, I no longer think this is a good feature to have in Django. After using the #13978 patch for a while, I've come to realize that it's just too damn easy to rely on it too much. No one wants to see a two-dozen line string of jQueryfied JS in the middle of their Django form class.

However, if you've got the need for spee^H^H^H^Hembedded media -- and you think you're disciplined enough to not start writing all your CSS and JS as strings in your .py files -- then django-embedded-media makes it possible.


Use pip, obviously:

$ pip install django-embedded-media


There's no special configuration needed. It's a Django app, technically, but you don't need to put it into INSTALLED_APPS. Just install the package and start embedding your styles and scripts.

Works on forms:

>>> from django import forms
>>> import embedded_media as emb
>>> class MyForm(forms.Form):
...     class Media:
...         css = {'all': (emb.CSS('.mywidget { display: none; }'),)}
...         js = (emb.JS('init_mywidget();'),)

>>> print MyForm.media
<style type="text/css" media="all">.mywidget { display: none; }</style>
<script type="text/javascript">init_mywidget();</script>

Works on form widgets:

>>> from django import forms
>>> import embedded_media as emb
>>> class MyWidget(forms.TextInput):
...     class Media:
...         css = {'all': (emb.CSS('.mywidget { display: none; }'),)}
...         js = (
...             'whizbang.js',
...             emb.JS('init_mywidget();'),
...         )

>>> print MyWidget().media
<style type="text/css" media="all" >.mywidget { display: none; }</style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/whizbang.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">init_mywidget();</script>

Works as a dynamic media property:

>>> from django import forms
>>> import embedded_media as emb
>>> class MyForm(forms.Form):
...     def _media(self):
...         return Media(
...             css={'all': (emb.CSS('.mywidget { display: none; }'),)},
...             js=(emb.JS('init_mywidget();'),)
...         )
...     media = property(_media)

>>> print MyForm().media
<style type="text/css" media="all">.mywidget { display: none; }</style>
<script type="text/javascript">init_mywidget();</script>


The tests require Django, coverage, and pep8, which are conveniently listed in requirements.txt:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python setup.py test