A statically generated blog example using Next.js and Sanity

This example showcases Next.js's Static Generation feature using Sanity as the data source.

You'll get:


Deploy your own

Once you have access to the environment variables you'll need, deploy the example using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

Related examples

How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example cms-sanity cms-sanity-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example cms-sanity cms-sanity-app
# or
pnpm create next-app -- --example cms-sanity cms-sanity-app


Step 1. Create an account and a project on Sanity

First, create an account on Sanity.

After creating an account, install the Sanity cli from npm npm i -g @sanity/cli.

Step 2. Create a new Sanity project

In a separate folder run sanity init to initialize a new studio project.

This will be where we manage our data.

When going through the init phase make sure to select Yes to the Use the default dataset configuration step and select Clean project with no predefined schemas for the Select project template step.

Step 3. Generate an API token

Log into https://manage.sanity.io/ and choose the project you just created. Then from Settings, select API, then click Add New Token and create a token with the Read permission.

Step 4. Set up environment variables

Copy the .env.local.example file in this directory to .env.local (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Then set each variable on .env.local:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID should be the projectId value from the sanity.json file created in step 2.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET should be the dataset value from the sanity.json file created in step 2 - defaults to production if not set.
  • SANITY_API_TOKEN should be the API token generated in the previous step.
  • SANITY_PREVIEW_SECRET can be any random string (but avoid spaces), like MY_SECRET - this is used for Preview Mode.
  • SANITY_STUDIO_REVALIDATE_SECRET should be setup the same way as SANITY_PREVIEW_SECRET - this is used for on-demand revalidation with webhooks.

Your .env.local file should look like this:


Step 5. Prepare the project for previewing

5.1. Install the @sanity/production-preview plugin with sanity install @sanity/production-preview.

5.2. Create a file called resolveProductionUrl.js (we'll get back to that file in a bit).

5.3. Open your studio's sanity.json, and add the following entry to the parts-array:

  "plugins": [
  "parts": [
+   {
+     "implements": "part:@sanity/production-preview/resolve-production-url",
+     "path": "./src/plugins/resolveProductionUrl.js"
+   }

Now, go back to resolveProductionUrl.js and add a function that will receive the full document that was selected for previewing:

const previewSecret = 'MY_SECRET' // Copy the string you used for SANITY_PREVIEW_SECRET
const projectUrl = 'http://localhost:3000'

export default function resolveProductionUrl(document) {
  return `${projectUrl}/api/preview?secret=${previewSecret}&slug=${document.slug.current}`

For more information on live previewing check the full guide.

Step 6. Copy the schema file

After initializing your Sanity studio project there should be a schemas folder.

Replace the contents of schema.js in the Sanity studio project directory with ./schemas/schema.js in this example directory. This will set up the schema we’ll use this for this example.

Step 7. Populate Content

To add some content go to your Sanity studio project directory and run sanity start.

After the project has started and you have navigated to the URL given in the terminal, select Author and create a new record.

  • You just need 1 Author record.
  • Use dummy data for the text.
  • For the image, you can download one from Unsplash.

Next, select Post and create a new record.

  • We recommend creating at least 2 Post records.
  • Use dummy data for the text.
  • You can write markdown for the Content field.
  • For the images, you can download ones from Unsplash.
  • Pick the Author you created earlier.

Important: For each post record, you need to click Publish after saving. If not, the post will be in the draft state.

Step 8. Run Next.js in development mode

npm install
npm run dev

# or

yarn install
yarn dev

Your blog should be up and running on http://localhost:3000! If it doesn't work, post on GitHub discussions.

Step 9. Try preview mode

On Sanity, go to one of the posts you've created and:

  • Update the title. For example, you can add [Draft] in front of the title.
  • As you edit the document it will be saved as a draft, but DO NOT click Publish. By doing this, the post will be in the draft state.

Now, if you go to the post page on localhost, you won't see the updated title. However, if you use the Preview Mode, you'll be able to see the change (Documentation).

To view the preview, go to the post edit page on Sanity, click the three dots above the document and select Open preview (see the instruction here)

You should now be able to see the updated title. To exit Preview Mode, you can click on "Click here to exit preview mode" at the top.

Step 10. Deploy on Vercel

You can deploy this app to the cloud with Vercel (Documentation).

Deploy Your Local Project

To deploy your local project to Vercel, push it to GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket and import to Vercel.

Important: When you import your project on Vercel, make sure to click on Environment Variables and set them to match your .env.local file.

Deploy from Our Template

Alternatively, you can deploy using our template by clicking on the Deploy button below.

Deploy with Vercel

Step 11. Setup Revalidation Webhook

  • Open your Sanity manager, go to API, and Create new webhook.
  • Set the URL to use the Vercel app url from Step 10 and append /api/revalidate, for example: https://cms-sanity.vercel.app/api/revalidate
  • Set the Trigger on field to Create Update Delete
  • Set the Filter to _type == "post" || _type == "author"
  • Set the Secret to the same value you gave SANITY_STUDIO_REVALIDATE_SECRET earlier.
  • Hit Save!

Testing the Webhook

  • Open the Deployment function log. (Vercel Dashboard > Deployment > Functions and filter by api/revalidate)
  • Edit a Post in your Sanity Studio and publish.
  • The log should start showing calls.
  • And the published changes show up on the site after you reload.

Next steps