
A database management system written in C++

Primary LanguageC++

Academy Awards Database

This program is a database management system for the Academy Awards. Two files, one for movies and one for actors, are read from a file into separate vectors. Then, the user may search, modify, sort, display, and save the records. Currently, all functions work in this program and compile successfully on csegrid.

Source Files

Name: main.cpp

Main program. This runs menu event loop.

Name: function.h

Contains the class declarations for the Actor class and movie class. Also contains the function declarations for non-member functions and the menu function.

Name: function.cpp

Implements the movie class. Also implements the menu function.

Name: ActorFunctions.cpp

Implements the actor class.

How to build and run the program

Using Windows Command Prompt

First, make sure that GNU g++ compiler and make are installed to your system and added to the environment path.

To install MinGW: https://osdn.net/projects/mingw/releases/

  1. Download the AcademyAwardsDatabase-master.zip file

  2. Unzip and inside you should see the files:

  1. Open the command prompt and navigate to the root download folder

  2. Make the file with 'mingw32-make'

  3. Run the program with 'awards'

  4. Delete the obj files, executables, and core dump by 'mingw32-make clean'

Circumstances of programs

The program runs successfully.

The program was developed and tested on Visual Studio version 16.2.3. It was compiled, run, and tested on gcc version 6.3.1 on csegrid.cudenver.pvt.