
Satellite Tracking Script This Python script allows you to track satellites using the N2YO API. It provides various functions to retrieve satellite information, including Two-Line Element Set (TLE) data, satellite positions, and radio passes information.

Primary LanguagePython

Satellite Tracking Script

This Python script allows you to track satellites using the N2YO API. It provides various functions to retrieve satellite information, including Two-Line Element Set (TLE) data, satellite positions, and radio passes information. You can use this script to monitor and track satellites of interest.


Before using this script, you need to obtain an API key from N2YO. Replace "yourAPIkey" in the script with your actual API key.


To use the script, you can call the provided functions to retrieve specific information about satellites. Here are some of the available functions:

  • GetTLEData(NORADId): Retrieves TLE data for a satellite with the given NORAD ID.
  • GetSatPosData(NORAId, observer_lat, observer_long, observer_alt, seconds): Retrieves satellite position data for a specific satellite at a given observer's location.
  • GetRadioPasses(NORAId, observer_lat, observer_long, observer_alt, days, min_elevation): Retrieves radio pass information for a specific satellite over a specified number of days with a minimum elevation.

You can also use the ReportRadioPasses function to generate a report for radio passes of a specific satellite. The example provided at the end of the script demonstrates how to use this function.


if __name__ == "__main__":
    observer_lat = -6.21462	
    observer_long = 106.84513
    observer_alt = 0
    print(ReportRadioPasses("33591", observer_lat, observer_long, observer_alt, 1, 10))

In this example, the script reports radio passes for a satellite with NORAD ID "33591" over the course of one day with a minimum elevation of 10 degrees.


This script relies on the requests library to make HTTP requests to the N2YO API. Make sure you have it installed before running the script.

pip install requests


Please be aware of the terms and conditions of the N2YO API and comply with any usage restrictions or limitations imposed by the service provider.