- 1
mem resize should set AX=ES on success
#115 opened by jeffreymorlan - 0
Fix for int21h, ah=65h // GET NLS DATA
#114 opened by jossk - 4
`-pedantic-errors` causing problems on old compilers and on some non-Linux systems
#109 opened by johnsonjh - 0
- 2
- 7
Support for Truename (Int 21/AH=60h)
#50 opened by tsupplis - 0
Input issues with various Wendin utilities
#103 opened by johnsonjh - 1
- 0
- 1
MS-DOS 5 `EDLIN` reports `File Creation Error`
#95 opened by johnsonjh - 3
- 4
- 2
- 12
Advice required: CP/M-86 Emulator
#52 opened by tsupplis - 0
Strange output from DOS 6.22's `MEM.EXE`
#94 opened by johnsonjh - 0
COMMAND.COM prompt repeats continuously
#92 opened by johnsonjh - 1
Support IBM AIX and Oracle Solaris
#74 opened by johnsonjh - 4
src/dis.c:826:1: warning: non-void function does not return a value in all control paths [-Wreturn-type]
#80 opened by johnsonjh - 1
Undefined behavior in dos_rw_record_fcb
#77 opened by johnsonjh - 0
IBM Zyll isn’t working
#72 opened by johnsonjh - 5
- 1
- 5
- 3
- 2
VEDIT PLUS 2.33b poor performance
#71 opened by johnsonjh - 0
TSE 2.50e doesn't respond to input
#66 opened by johnsonjh - 0
Issue with VEDIT-PLUS 2.33 DOS
#65 opened by johnsonjh - 0
Support for load without exec (INT 21/AX=4B01h)
#64 opened by DankRank - 1
Add basic Installing to README
#57 opened by jxu - 3
Strange bugs with DND 2.01
#62 opened by johnsonjh - 3
Another little FCB issue. 'Option Characters'
#61 opened by tsupplis - 1
DOS string output does not expand tabs
#60 opened by nero - 3
No consistent flushing strategy
#59 opened by nero - 7
- 2
- 18
error, unimplemented opcode 66 at cs:ip = 0098:4FB3
#56 opened by mkst - 3
No stdout output running under node-pty
#55 opened by NuSkooler - 0
CON doesn't seem to be emulated properly
#54 opened by jobbautista9 - 1
Support for Rename with FCB (Int 21/AH=17h)
#49 opened by tsupplis - 1
Minor cursor positioning issues with BRE v0.998
#48 opened by johnsonjh - 0
Compilation warning on printf arguments.
#47 opened by tsupplis - 5
Arithmetic Exception in get_actual_timer
#45 opened by tsupplis - 1
- 1
- 2
IBM Professional Editor II v1.35 locks up when attempting to display directory listings
#41 opened by johnsonjh - 1
- 6
Various DOS Program Bugs under emu2
#39 opened by johnsonjh - 1
Incorrect video display with Calvin v2.3
#38 opened by johnsonjh - 8
Strange behavior with G ...
#36 opened by johnsonjh - 2
Small typo
#35 opened by johnsonjh