
Holds board pics, pinouts, readme.md, and platformio.ini

Repo to hold board information



  • You may have to push the button to upload to the board
  • ADS1115 does not seem to work with HW enabled on the OLED on the WiFi LORA

Installation Instructions

  • Use VS Code and PlatformIO

Decoding exceptions

  • I have no idea how to do this or what they are talking about.

Issue/Bug report template

  • Finally, if you're sure no one else had the issue, it's probably you.

Adafruit HUZZAH32

Board name Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board. For PlatformIO use "featheresp32" for the board type.
Board has a built in LED on pin 13 defined as "LED_BUILTIN". To upload code there is no need to hold down a button.

Pin Functions Pin Functions Pin Functions


Board name ARDUINO NANO atmega328. For PlatformIO use "nanoatmega328" for the board type.

Pin Functions


Board name esp32-devkitC v4. For PlatformIO use "esp32dev" for the board type.
Purchased several of these. They have a connection for an external antenna.

Pin Functions Pin Functions


Board name WEMOS LOLIN32. For PlatformIO use "lolin32" for the board type.

  • OLED Connections:
  • CLOCK 4
  • DATA 5
  • RESET 16

Pin Functions Pin Functions Pin Functions


Board name WeMos LOLIN32 V1.0.0. For PlatformIO use "" for the board type.
Pin Functions Pin Functions Pin Functions

- #d1_Mini_Pro

Board name WeMos d1 Mini Pro. For PlatformIO use "" for the board type.
Pin Functions

Heltec WiFi LORA 32 V1

Heltec WiFi LORA 32 V1 – For PlatformIO use "heltec_wifi_lora_32" for the board type.
ESP32 with OLED and LORA Board
To program you need to hold button labeled PRG near coil antenna.

  • I2C Connections:
  • SCL 22
  • SDA 21
  • OLED Connections:
  • CLOCK 15
  • DATA 4
  • RESET 16

Pin Functions

Heltec WiFi LORA 32 V2

Heltec WiFi LORA 32 V2 – For PlatformIO use "heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2" for the board type.
ESP32 with OLED and LORA Board
To program you need to hold button labeled PRG near coil antenna.
I have unresolved issues using a second I2C device with the OLED

  • I2C Connections:
  • SCL 22
  • SDA 21
  • OLED Connections:
  • CLOCK 15
  • DATA 4
  • RESET 16

Pin Functions


TTGO ESP32 with builtin battery holder and OLED – For PlatformIO use "TTGOBatteryOLED" for the board type.

  • OLED Connections:
  • CLOCK 4
  • DATA 5

Pin Functions
Pin Functions

Adafruit ADS1115

I2C address is 0x48
Supply Range: 2.0V to 5.5V DC
The ADS1115 provides 16-bit ADC precision at 860 samples/second over I2C. The chip can be configured as 4 single-ended input channels, or two differential channels. As a nice bonus, it even includes a programmable gain amplifier, up to x16, to help boost up smaller single/differential signals to the full range.
Pin Functions
Go to Adafruit for more information.


I2C address is 0x76 or 0x77 if you cut the trace between the left two pads and add a jumper to the right two pads.
Supply Range: 1.8V to 5V DC
The BME280 has Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity. The BMP only has Pressure and Temperature.
Pin Functions
Go to Adafruit for more information.


I2C address is 0x18 and cannot be changed.
Supply Range: 2.0V to 5.5V DC
The MPRLS has Pressure sensing of 0-25 PSI with a push on a tube connection.
Pin Functions
Go to Adafruit or Sparkfun for more information.


I2C address is 0x19 AND 0x1E and cannot be changed.
Supply Range: 2.0V to 5.5V DC
The LSM303DLHC is a Triple-axis Accelerometer+Magnetometer (Compass) Board.
Pin FunctionsPin Functions
This board is a knock off and is completely untested.
Go to Adafruit for more information. New information is LSM303 Accelerometer + Compass Breakout.


Keep at it.