Completion of Bossabox's challenge "Very Useful Tools To Remember" abbreviated as VUTTR, Backend, RESTful API

Primary LanguageJava

Very Useful Tools To Remember

In this challenge, I use to write in German, but the translation is provided within parenthesis when I do so.

Beschreibung (Description):

The objective is to build a RESTful API with a endpoint called "tools" that allows to perform the CRUD actions that we need to manipulate our set of tools, that is GET, POST, PUT and DELETE tools.

A tool looks like this:

{ id: 1, title: "Notion", link: "https://notion.so", description: "All in one tool to organize teams and ideas. Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. ", tags: [ "organization", "planning", "collaboration", "writing", "calendar" ] }

How to use

This API is easy to use, the steps are below:


  • PostgreSQL database
  • Migrations with Flyway
  • RESTful API (Spring)
  • Authentication with Spring Security and JWT
  • Unit Tests
  • Swagger description


  1. Clone this repository in a directory of your preference
  2. Open your preferred shell or terminal
  3. Go to the directory the repository was cloned in
  4. Run mvwn clean, then run mvwn spring-boot:run
  5. The API is listening in the port 8080, use your preferred tool to send requests to it

🌅 :tool: