Connect two Webservices, encrypt and digitally sing the transported data inbetween with gpg. Receive digitally signed E-Mail-Notifications which confirm, that the webservice has received your request.
Requirements: Webserver + PHP + PEAR + Composer + GPG + E-mail-Account with SMTP access
- Install Crypt_GPG with PEAR
- Install PHP-Scripts
- Clone the repository into the path of your webserver
- Run "composer install" in your script-directory
- Create a new directory which is not accessible by the public.
- Use GPG to generate a new keyring in this directory.
- Write down the path of this directory
- Generate a new private gpg key. Currently the the php-scripts can not handle password-secured keys, so use no password
- Have a look at the files in the conf/ folder.
- Rename smtp.example.conf.php to smtp.conf.php and fill in the details of your smtp-Account
- Rename endpoints.conf.example.php to endpoints.conf.php and configure accoring to your needs.
- Check the gpg-path in config.conf.php and correct if necessary.
- Check file-Permissions of the scripts.
- Start your webserver.
It's very likely that you need to do this procedure twice. One time for the application gateway, the second time for the service gateway.