
copy of rainer krienkes ws2500 software with a json patch... you can find the original here: https://userpages.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/de/weather

Primary LanguagePerl


ws2500 is written by Rainer Krienke and is distributed under the
GNU General Public License.

Please see CHANGES file for important upgrade information.

If you are upgrading from an older to a newer version you should 
carefully read the CHANGES file. There were some major changes in some 
version which require that you update your database. The excact steps you
have to perform are described in the CHANGES file for the version you
want to install. If you upgrade from a very old version to a current one
you might have to do this in several steps to get all changes of the
database. Major changes happened in the following versions:

version 0.96
version 0.70
version 0.51

So eg if you upgrade from version 0.65 to 0.96 you have first to 
upgrade to 0.70 and do what the CHANGES file tells you for version 0.70
and next you can upgrade to 0.96. Again you have to follow the
instructions in the CHANGES file for version 0.96.

Author and warranty

Rainer Krienke, krienke@uni-koblenz.de

The author does not provide any warranty nor responsibility  for whatever might
happen by using this program. If you run it things happen since YOU pressed the
ENTER key. So if your dog starts barking at you or stops eating and looks sick
after you started the program, don't blame me ....

At this place I want to thank those people who helped improving ws2500
either by contributing fixes or new code or by donating good ideas or
even both.  Thanks very much to:

- Thomas Dreßler
- Willem Eradus
- Michael Gerber
- Dietmar Tallroth

(If one of these co authors want to see their email addresses here, please
tell me).

Wat can it do?

With this program you can handle a ws2500 or ws2500PC weather station from ELV.
The software consists of a (C-) program named ws2500 that can be used to read
data from a ws2500 station, print out the stations status etc and it can be used
to set station specific parameters.

Besides the program there are several important scripts:

- scripts (getws2500data, ws2500tomysql) to automatically insert data read from 
  the station by the ws2500 program into a MYSQL database.
- a script (wetter.cgi) to display the data stored in the MYSQL database 
  graphically in a webbrowser.  
- a script (ws2500toawekas) that lets you participate in the AWEKAS project, 
  a network of private weather stations (for more infos 
  about AWEKAS see: http://www.awekas.at).

The ws2500 program itself does not provide any data presentation functionality except
for presenting the raw figures. The rest of the work is done by the perl and Unix
Shell scripts just mentioned. These scripts are described in more detail below.  The
Scripts are located in the "scripts" subdirectory.

A demo for the graphical display capabilities can be seen at:


This is a live demo of the wetter.cgi script. See the READMES in the scripts
subdirectory in the source tar ball for more information on this.

The database
Usually you probably do not only want to read the data from the ws2500
station but you also want to store and visualize the data. By using the
scripts described above all data can be stored in a MYSQL database.
Actually the database can store data from several weather stations. 
Each station can described by a station-id, a number. The first
station has number 1. For a ws2500 station and this software 
you configure this number in the .ws2500.conf file. But provided you
have the software to read data from other weather station you could also
store those data in the same database by simply using a still unused
station-id. All the data could be visialized by the wetter.cgi-script.
The databse scheme used is described in the wetterdbScheme.txt file.


see output of: ws2500 -v

Tested on SuSE 8.2 and newer Linux systems. It should be no problem to get the
set of programms running on other unix-based systems. I received feedback, that its
working on BSD and MacOs X Systems as well.


Installing the software is not a hard job. There is a "runinstall"
script you can call from within the source directory. So change
directory into the ws2500 directory and the call ./runinstall. This will
guide you through the initial setup for the software. However it will
not install the MYSQL server for you. If not already done, install it
and start it before starting the script.

If you just want to change the attributes of your weatherstation(s) and
its sensors stored in the database you can call the runinstall script
using option -s. In this case you will be guided through a  number of
questions that ask you data like name, model, location of your weather
station. The data given by you is then stored in the database in the
tables sensor_desc and station_descr.

Another way of installing the software is manually. Here are some
guidelines: Unpack the tar archive
somewhere, change directory into the ws2500-directory and then call
make to compile the program on your system. You need at least a working
gcc and the make-program on your system. Usually these programs do exist

When the program has been compiled and linked without errors, you can copy
the executable (ws2500) anywhere you like. Don't forget: If you copy the
program to a none standard path, that is not part of your PATH environment
variable, you have to start the program with its full path e.g:

Besides the program itself you probably want install and configure the
scripts  that can be found in the scripts subdirectory. These scripts allow
you to automate  the data extraction process and to automatically insert the
data retrieved from the ws2500(PC) station into a MYSQL database. Another
script allows you to  graphically display the data from the MYSQL database in
the web. There are the following important scripts:

getws2500data: This script will extract data from you weather station  (using
	ws2500) and  insert it into the database using ws2500tomysql. It
	takes care of error handling etc. You might want  to call this script
	by cron regularly to extract your data eg all 10 minutes.

ws2500tomysql: This script can insert data read from your station with ws2500
	into a  MYSQl database on a DB server. It can also create the weather
	database on the MYSQl server. It is used by the getws2500data script.

wetter.cgi: This script will graphically display your weather data in the
	web. wetter.cgi is  a CGI script that needs to be run on a web server
	like apache. It will extract data from your MYSQl weather database
	and display these data graphically. Its also  allows you to analyze
	your data in many ways.

All scripts need a configuration. More about this is said in the READMEs of
each script in  the scripts subdirectory.

Supported harware
At the moment the program should support the following weather stations:

	- WS2500 	(firmware versions 1.0 & 3.1)
	- WS2500 PC	(firmware versions 3.1)

Other hardware has not been tesed.

Using it


Allthough ws2500 knows about a lot of options (see: ws2500 -h), using it is
basically very simple. For an initial test you might want to read out the DCF
time as well as  the stations status information. This could be done by:

$ ws2500 -d
Weekday  : sunday
Time     : 13:53:06
Day      : 23
Month    : 02
Year     : 2003
Unix date: 022313532003.06

If your station is connected to a non default serial port simply use option -p.
(Default port is /dev/ttyS1). If your station was connected to the third
serial port (com3) you would have to type:

$ ws2500 -d -p /dev/ttyS2
Weekday  : sunday
Time     : 13:53:06
Day      : 23
Month    : 02
Year     : 2003
Unix date: 022313532003.06

Note that in Linux the third serial port (com3 in Windows) is /dev/ttyS2
whereas the first port (com1 in Windows) is /dev/ttyS0.

Getting weatherstations status:

To read the status of the station and the sensors do:
$ ws2500 -s
Sensor address information:
        Address of inside sensor:      7
        Address of rain sensor:        7
        Address of wind sensor:        7
        Address of light sensor:       7

Sensor status information of WS2500 station:
        Status of temperature sensors:
                Sensor 0: is OK
                Sensor 1: not available
                Sensor 2: not available
                Sensor 3: not available
                Sensor 4: not available
                Sensor 5: not available
                Sensor 6: not available
                Sensor 7: not available
        Status of rain sensor:        had 1 drop outs
        Status of wind sensor:        is OK
        Status of pyranometer sensor: not available
        Status of inside sensor:      not available

General Information:
        Interval time:    2
        Version Number:   3.1
        WS2500 language:  English
        Dcf availavility: Yes
        Dcf is in sync:   Yes
        Protocol version: 1.2
        WS2500 type:      WS2500 PC

Extracting data:

Next you should try to read real sensor data from the station. You can do this
in different ways using on of the following options:

	- Option -n: Read only new data
	- Option -x: Read all data entries from the first up to the last
	- Option -g: Read first of unread data sets
	- Option -f: Read the first data set stored in the station

For a first test you should try -g. The main difference of all these options
is that -f and -x reset the stations internal pointer to the current data
set. So afterwards all data is considered new and option -n will show all
data. Option -n only shows "New" data sets, that have been stored inside the
weather station after data have been read out for the last time using -n. So
using -n shows new data moving the internal pointer to the last current
dataset.  Option -g finally reads the first new available data set without
moving the internal pointer forward. If you read Data using -n and then try
-g you won't receive any data, since at the moment there is no unread data
waiting to be read. In this case you have to wait some time until the station
writes a new data record.

So getting data for testing is a easy as:

$ ws2500 -g

If no data shows up all new available data has already been read. In this
case you might try ws2500 -f or ws2500 -x  or wait a while
for new data to arrive and then try ws2500 -n again.

The output format should be clear by itself. Actually there are two
formats you can choose in between. The default (long) format ist thought
to be good readable for humans. However if you want to postprocess the
data read from the ws2500 station you can also use the terse format by 
using option -t .  This format is the short version and it has a header
that explains all formats of data to follow, so that it can be oparsed

In both output formats there is a "New"-flag which can either be "0"  or
"1" or "h". The value "0" means that the data you see is actually a copy
of the last data read from this sensor. This copy was performed by the 
weather station and not by ws2500!  This means that the sensor had a
drop out.  The value "1" says, that the data printed is ok. For a
humidity sensor there is the additional value 'h' which means that the
humidity value of this sensor was below the minimal value of 20% 
that can be measured by this sensor (it might
also mean, that it was above 100% or that there was an error measuring
humiditi but all this is very very rarely so we  ignore it). In
this case the humidity is set to 20% and the New flag is neither '0' nor '1'
but 'h' to indicate a failure of the humidity sensor. Beside the 'h'
value for the new flag an additional warning is printed on stderr to
describe the problem.
Strating with version 0.99 another value: "d" for ok is allowed for the first
row of the light table. This value "d" symbolises to the script 
updateLightTable, that an older version of this table has been updated
to the current version. In this current version the value sunDuration
describes the time in min the sun has be shining in the last measuring period
of the station and not (like before) the total sunshine time from the
very beginning of the stations activation. This value is only used for
the updateLightTable script and has no other relevance.

Things you should *NOT* do:

The ws2500(PC) weather station automatically performes a resync with the DCF signal. 
This is first done, when the station is switched on (battaries inserted). This
takes up to 5 minutes. Next the station searches for sensors. If you interrupt the
station in this initial setup by calling ws2500, the station will abort the DCF syncing
so your clock might be wrong (ws2500 -s will tell you). If your station does not
sync with DCF or does not show sensors, then turn it off and then on again and then wait 
about 10 minutes before you run ws2500 for the first time.

Each night at 03:00am  the station does again a resync with the DCF signal. Again if you
run ws2500 at this time or close to it (03:00-03:05) the station will interrupt the i
DCF sync and your stations DCF clock in the ws2500 -s output will show 
"DCF in sync: No". The only solution is not to run the program at this time!

DATE and TIME stuff

The first versions of ws2500 stored all data with a timestamp that was given in
local time (the time on your wall clock). It turned out, that this is basically
a bad idea and so it changed from version 0.7 on. The problem is DST (daylight
saving time) or short summertime, where the local time is changed. For example
in germany at the end of march the clock is turned at 02:00 in the night one
hour forward to 03:00. In the end of october the clock is then turned back from
03:00 to 02:00.  This is of course a problem with weather observation, since
when summertime starts there are no data for the time of 02:00->03:00, simply
because this hour never existed. The next problem is that at the end of summer
time all values are doubled, since the time from 02:00->03:00 exists twice (but
probably with different temperatures etc). 

Another more subtle problem is that  during summertime all values are a little
wrong, since they are taken to early: Think of temperature at say 07:00 in the
morning. In normal (non summer) time you will have a certain value for a
outside sensor in the end of march, say 7°C. Now when summertime starts a day
later and you look at the value of the same sensor at 07:00 (summertime) then
you will probably find a lower value, say 6°C simply because you are looking at
the sensor one hour earlier than the day before because summertime started. In
all your graphics you would see this litte jump and this should not be. 

So this is really bad. The solution is to store all data not in local time in
the database but to convert the local time to GMT. In GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
there is no DST and by converting the local time to GMT there are no "holes" in
time and all the problems are gone.

So ws2500 from version 0.7 on stores all data in GMT in the database. So
calling ws2500 [-t] -g or -n or -x will show data sets with dates that are in
GMT. The date and time you get when calling it with -d or -u is however  always
in local time since its only purpose is to set the computers clock.

All this will only work correctly if your linux system has the correct
time zone configured. In germany this is eg "Europe/Berlin". Usually
there are precompiled timezone files. You should find them in
/usr/share/zoneinfo. This directory contain subdirectories like "Europe"
in which you find the zone files like "Berlin". Simply copy this file to
/etc/localtime. This should be it. A better way is of course to use the
setuptool of your linux distribution that might do the job for you.

DCF-leap year Problem 

The ws2500 station has an internal
DCF clock. If this clock reports that the DCF-time is OK the ws2500 program
will use it for the date,time data for the sensor data (eg temperature) to be
extracted. However there is a problem due to the way  ws2500 handles the DCF

The ws2500 station does only a DCF synchronisation when switched on or at 03:00
in the night. The rest of the time it simply uses the builtin clock without any
reference to the DCF signal. The clock increments time and date but does not
take leap years into account. This is problematic since in a leap year it will
lead to sensor data having a wrong date. This happens on Feb 28  when there is
a *leap year* at midnight. From Feb 28 midnight to Feb 29 02:59 the DCF clock
will show the wrong date: Mar 01. At exactly 03:00 the ws2500 clock will resync
with the DCF signal and correct its date back to Feb 29. This means that data
read from the ws2500 station in the time from Feb 28 midnight to Feb 29 02:59
would be labled to be from Mar 01. 

To avoid this problem, the ws2500  program sets the stations internal DCF 
status to "not usable" during the period of 3h described above. By this trick 
instead of the internal ws2500 stations clock the ws2500 program will now use the
linux system time for the extracted data. So these data will have the correct
date, if the linux system clock is allright. 
So in the time from Feb 28 midnight to Feb 29 02:59 (or Mar 01 02:59), ws2500 
will issues a warning

"DCF OK" set to "No" due to possible leap year problem.

to indicate this situation and use the linux system time instead. Since ws2500
does not check if there really is a leap year the warning will be printed  each
year in the time period from above.

Date checks

The ws2500 makes a check on the timestamps the ws2500 station writes
into the datasets. Actually the ws2500 station simply puts a counter
there that tells how many minutes from "now" the current data set was
measured. So the program has to calculate the real date value from the
system time and the counter. If the DCF clock of the station is OK the
program will use the DCF time else it will use the linux system clock
for getting the current time/date. 

Personally I had exactly one time the problem, that the DCF clock was OK
but for an unknown reason the extrated data in the time from 00:00 to
02:59 AM was delivered with a date that was one *year* back. Everything else
was OK.  At that time there was no date check in the software it simply
relied on the fact that the data from the station should be correct. 
The result was,
that all the datasets from 00:00 to 02:59 on that one day were inserted
into the database with a wrong date value, a wrong year :-(  
The problem went away after the station had resynced at 03:00 AM with the DCF
signal. Please note: The station claimed that also before 03:00 the DCF
clock was "in sync", i.e. corrrect.

To find such invalid date entries, I implemented a date check into the
ws2500 program. It now checks if the date that is calculated for the
current ws2500 data set is not more than 60 days away from the current
linux system clock. Why 60 days? Well the station can store 1024 data
sets. The maximal interval at which the station can store data sets is
63 minutes. Now if you calculate 1024*63min this is about 45 days i.e. the
oldest data set in a ws2500 station can be at most 45 days old. For
safety reasons (avoid mistedection) I simply added some more days.

If the program reads a data set from the station that is more than 60
days away from the current linux system time it will issue a error
message and abort. The error looks like this:

*** Error: Too big time offset in data.
* There was a huge time offset (3600 days) from  the current linux system time
* to the time of the ws2500 data set read from the station. Please check the
* time of your linux system. The current value is printed below. If you simply
* choose to ignore this time offset in the future, call the program with
* option "-i" on your own risk of getting data with wrong timestamps!
* If your system clock is ok it might also help to have the ws2500 station
* resync with the DCF signal which is automatically done at 03:00am.
* Some more information about the problem (time values are in local
* time):
* Current linux system time:          Fri Jan  7 08:52:12 2005
* DCF time (is OK):                   Fri Jan  7 08:52:12 2005
* Date/time for w2500 data set:       Wed Mar  1 08:51:12 1995
* Timeoffset in dataset relativ to "now" (sec): 311040060 (in days:3600)
* Additional time error caused by reading many datasets (sec): 0
* Exit due to error!

If you see such an error first check if your linux system clock is
correct, then see if the DCF clock is allright. If both are OK, but you
still get this error you have the situation I originally had when I
started implementing this check. For me it simply helped to wait until 
03:00 AM when the station does its resync with DCF. You can also turn
the station off and on again, but doing so you will not only force a
resync with DCF but also loose all the data stored in the stations
memory. So better wait until 03:00 AM.

* Since this check is always done by comparing the date of the dataset with
* the current linux system time, it is important that you set you system
* clock correctly!

If you don't care about this time difference detection you can call
ws2500 with option -i (= ignore). Using this option will turn the time
check off, so ws2500 will issue a warning but will continue the read out
data from the ws2500 station no matter what timestamps the datasets
have. You should know however, that doing so will yield data that could
have wrong time/date entries. Using -i might make sense if your system
clock is not set correctly and you have for whatever reason no way to
correct it.  Usually -i should not be needed.

Using the tolerance check feature

Due to the nature of the data transmission from sensor to station by radio it
happens, that values are simply wrong. Sometimes you will see a value eg for
humidity that increased more than 100% compared to the last. To detect such 
errors ws2500 offers a simple tolerance check feature when called with  -n or
-x together with -C inline, -C config, -C <filename> like ws2500 -n -C
/tmp/lastvaluefile.txt. The rain sensor is a little special case, see below
for the answer why.

The mechanism is really simple. When ws2500 reads a new value from a sensor
it compares this value with the last value of this sensor. If the difference
of both values (taken absolutely) is larger than a user defined tolerance
value the new sensor value is considered wrong. Instead of printing the new
"wrong" value ws2500 will then print the older value. If several such errors
occur in sequence you can define a max_error value that when reached disables
the sensor, so no data from it will be printed until it sends reasonable
values again. max_error may be null, so the sensor will never be disabled.

However sometimes you might have defined your tolerance interval to narrow.
Think of a sunny day with little humidity and then a thunder-storm starts
with a lot of rain, which will lead to a sudden increase of humidity, that
might be larger than the interval you defined as tolerance. This would lead
to the situation, that the new correct value is not used but the old much
lower value. Since the humidity would not go down very soon in such a
situation the tolerance check would continue to throw away the new high
values of which ws2500 would assume they are errors until finally the sensor
would be disabled. To solve this problem, I introduced a third column for
each tolerance variable, that defines a delta value for the sensor value. If
a tolerance check applies, than the "last value" that is used as a reference
for the next tolerance check will be moved towards the current value by the
defined delta value. In the next check the current (here: high) value will be
compared with the last value that was (here:) increased by the delta value.
So now the difference of both is smaller. If the tolerance check applies
again, then the "last value" is again incremented (or decremented) by delta
for  the next check. At most max_error corrections will be made. From the
sensors point of view the value in this thunderstorm scenario is slowly
incrementing and hopefully will reach the real value again or at least the
tolerance range of the sensor. In  a real error scenario it is assumed that
only one or two values are wrong (bigger or smaller). So adding a delta value
is not a problem here.  The delta value has to be >= 0 and at most half the
size of the tolerance  value itself. If delta is 0 no increment/decrement of
the "last value" is done.

To compare a current value with the last one there always has to be a last
value. ws2500 offeres 2 choices to solve this problem. When you call ws2500
with -C inline it will use the very first value of each sensor to be the 
reference value for the second. When the second is OK it will serve as
reference for the third etc. The problem is, that the very first value might
already be wrong. To solve this problem ws2500 can be called with -C config
or -C <filename>. In this case ws2500 takes a file to store the last values
read using -n. So in the next call of ws2500 it will remember the last values
read by reading this file again and so has the ability to detect even if the
first value delivered is bad. The difference between -C <file> and -C config
is simply that -C <file> allows you to specify the name and path of the last
value file directly on the commandline, whereas -C config will try to find
this filename in the config file of ws2500.

Tolerance values have to be defined in the ws2500 configuration file. See
the  demo file (dot.ws2500.conf) that is part of this distribution for

When such a tolerance error is detected, ws2500 will write appropriate 
messages to stderr, so you can see what happened when.

The rain sensor: 

The rain sensor is after all just a say
11bit counter that increases if there is rain. The counter is multiplied with
value that describes how much rain had to fall to increase the counter in the
rain sensor. The result is a absolute amount of rain ususally measured in mm
or l/m*m. The problem with this is, that this counter will eventually
overflow and start with zero again. This is of course a problem with the
tolerance check for the rain sensor.  Another problem with this sensor is,
that especially during thunder-storms its very likely that the counter
changes its value in a random fashion. 

So it makes no sense to correct the counter value, instead of this we take a
look at the difference of two counter values. If the difference is < 0 or >
the defined tolerance value then we set this difference to zero (no rain). 
Because of this method the delta value (3. col of tol definition)  for the
rain sensor is NOT used, it would make no sense to drive the counter value in
any direction.  The method of  checking the difference makes the tol check
quite unrelated to any nonesense the counter might go through.  As soon as
there are two counter values that are "close" to each other there will be a
valid difference that is used as a value for the current rainfall. If you
work with a database and ws2500tomysql (default) then this check is performed
in ws2500 and in ws2500tomysql because on one hand a user without a database
should also have the comfort of tolerance checks and on the other hand
ws2500tomysql has ALWAYS access to the last rain counter value for
calculating the difference value (ws2500 might not have the last counter
value depending on its operation mode).  Even if this check is actually
performed twice (when using ws2500tomysql) this is not a problem.  If ws2500
and ws2500tomysql disagree about the amount of rain, ws2500tomysql will
prevail, since it is assumed that the last rain counter value on which the
calculation is based from the database is more valid than the counter value
given from  ws2500.

ws2500 has a default for the amount of rain with each counter strike in
the sensor of 0.340mm. So 2 counterstikes result in 0.68 mm rain beeing
measured. You can change this default in the .ws2500.config file by
setting the variable mmRainByCount to the new value in mm. 

Programming your station

You can program several parameters into your station. Usually this is the
interval time at which sensor data are stored in the stations memory as well
as addresses of sensors. Not all versions of the stations allow the same data
to be programmed. Moreover a station with version 1.0 does not allow to
extract the sensor addresses of eg rain and wind senors. On the other hand
the command provided by ELV to program a value like the interval time always
inculdes programming sensor addresses as well. So to program you have to
specify sensor address allthough you do not want to change them. Since you
cannot extract the currently set values the only choice is to let the user
specify all needed values  (This looks like: ./ws2500 -I 5 -V 0 -L 7 -R 7 -W
7 -P 7) . This is only true for version 1.0 not for 3.1. The program will
complain and advise you to use the appropriate options when you try to
program a value on a 1.0 system. 

The programming feature has only been tested with a WS2500 PC firmware
V3.1. It will probably fail on a WS2500 panel version.

Configuration file

To make life easier you can put some configuration variables (like serial
port) into a configuration file. See the demo file dot.ws2500.conf in the 
distribution. The real filename has to be .ws2500.conf or ws2500.conf
depending on where you put the config file. ws2500 and all other scripts
allways search in the following sequence for a configuration file:

1. in the local directory of the application
2. in the HOME directory of the user running the program/script
3. in /etc/ws2500/

When the file searched for is found at any place in this sequence the
search stopps. For 1. and 2. the configuration file must have a leading
"." (eg .ws2500.conf, or .getws2500data.conf). Configuration files in
/etc/ws2500/ do *not* have a leading dot. So eg the program ws2500 will
look for a configuration file named /etc/ws2500/ws2500.conf, *not* for

For the ws2500-configuration file the user has another option. He can
call the ws2500 program using the option -C <pathName> where <pathName>
is the complete path and name of the configuration file to be used.
So ws2500 -C /tmp/my.conf will try to read
configuration data from the file /tmp/my.conf . When -C is used the default
configuration in the current directory and the users HOME directory and
in /etc/ws2500/ is not used.

The sameple ws2500 configuration file included in
the distribution was named dot.ws2500.conf to avoid using this file without
wanting to. 

If you want to see which config file is used when running ws2500, call
the application with -D, eg ws2500 -D -s and watch for the first lines
of output.  

Exit status of program
The program will deliver different exit ($? in shell) stati depending on what

0:  Normal termination
1:  An unspecified error
2:  Error xferring command to station
3:  Error decoding data received from station
4:  Error wainting for data (timeout)
5:  Error trimming data received from station
6:  Error setting interface parameters
7:  Error setting stations internal data pointer to next data record
8:  Not a real error. Value indicates that tolerance check has been
    applied to at least one sensor value.
9:  Not a real Error: Indicated that at least one  sensor had to many drop outs. The 
    threshhold for this error to occur can be set in the config file using
    the variable MaxDropOutCount.
50: The DCF clock is not in sync. This error only occurs when reading the DCF time
    from the station using option -d and tells you better not to use the time you 

In case there are several errors at once the one with the highest priority (smallest
numeric value, except for 0) is returned. So if for example error 8 and error 4 occured
in one run of ws2500 the return status will be 4. 

Doing more....

When the program itself is running allright, you may want to install the
graphical web-diplay for your data. For this purpose there is a
wetter.cgi-script. You will need a MYSQL-database server to store the
data inside. If you have this you can use ws2500tomysql to set up the
weather database and then you can use getws2500data to regularly extract 
data from your weather station and have it inserted into the database.
The script wetter.cgi then extracts data from the databse and displays
it graphically using HTML. 
Please READ the READMEs in the scripts subdirectory for further

Comments, Bugs, Patches

You are welcome to find bugs and provide patches or report bugs in this
program. If you find a bug please mail to krienke@uni-koblenz.de describing
what harware (stations hardware) you use and what exactly happend. A comment
often seen like "I does not work" is not really helpful :-) . If you already
have patched the bug please attach  a diff file to your mail, so I can
integrate your patch in my current version.

Have lot of fun and thanks
Rainer Krienke