
Some dashboard/monitoring stuff for Opencast

Primary LanguageJinja

Opencast Grafana & Monitoring Collection

This repo contains some basic examples for monitoring tasks around Opencast, using the Grafana ecosystem.

Grafana Dashboard

The file opencast-metrics-dashboard.json.j2 contains a basic Grafana dashboard for Opencast.

The dashboard uses the label_replace() function a lot, e.g. in the form of label_replace(your_metric, \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"(.*).example.com.*\"). Those variables have been templated here like this:

variable name example value
your_domain_regex (.*).example.com.*
your_worker_regex https://oc-worker[0-9]{2}.example.com
your_admin_regex oc-admin.example.com.de.*
your_presentation_regex oc-presentation.example.com.de.*

Loki Promtail Config

The file opencast_promtail_config.yml.j2 contains a basic logging config for promtail with Opencast. It can directly be fed to the ansible role monitoring_promtail via the variable promtail_config_template.

The following variables are somehow expected by this template, the default values refer to the ones set by the ansible role.

variable name (default-)value
inventory_hostname required, the current host, e.g. oc-admin.example.com
loki_host required
loki_http_listen_port required
promtail_use_tls false
promtail_http_listen_port 9080
promtail_grpc_listen_port 0
use_basic_auth false
basic_auth_user required if use_basic_auth is true
basic_auth_password required if use_basic_auth is true
promtail_job_journal false

Opencast Prometheus Config

The file opencast-prometheus.yml contains an example for prometheus scrape jobs that expands on the example from the docs for a multi-node cluster. Specifically, it splits up the metrics from the opencast endpoint into two jobs:

  1. Opencast-specific metrics that are only scraped from the admin node
  2. JVM metrics that are scraped from all nodes