
Bliig blog engine as a yii module.

Primary LanguagePHP


Yii module to use the bliig blog engine

###Details This initial was a idea of phpnode when talking about the bliig engine. The idea is to have a small blog engine to be easily added to your yii web application.

###Installation Access the webapp/protected/modules/ folder in your applicatio. If not exists create it. Use git or donwload the module and extract it there. So you must have something like


Rename the folder if you like for example to bliig and declare it to the protected/config/main.php

<?php return array(
                   'connectionString' => 'sqlite:'.dirname(__FILE__).'/../modules/bliig/data/blog.db',
); ?>

###History ####Version 0.1

  • Gii generated module
  • Copied controllers/views and models from the bliig project