
Lander Analytics Bayes/Stan Class 2021

Primary LanguageStanMIT LicenseMIT


Install needed software

# install R packages
install.packages(c("dplyr", "lubridate", "ggplot2", "bayesplot", "posterior", "fs", "stringr", "remotes"))

# install cmdstan
# please post on discourse.mc-stan.org if you run into errors
cmdstanr::install_cmdstan(cores = 2)

# check if cmdstan installation works properly
# please post on discourse.mc-stan.org if you run into errors

# optionally install rstan 
# we won't _need_ this but it has some extra features we can use if you have it installed
# if it fails to install don't worry about it

Interactive MCMC demo

We'll use this on day 2 or 3:


Tentative Agenda

Day 1 Morning

  • Intro Bayesian workflow and Stan
  • Intro to the running example we'll use throughout the class

Day 1 Afternoon

  • Write first Stan program

Day 2 Morning

  • Expand our Stan program and check for improved model fit
  • Start discussing hierarchical models if there's time

Day 2 Afternoon

  • Hierarchical models with varying intercepts
  • non-centered parameterization
  • How does Stan's MCMC algorithm work?

Day 3 Morning

  • Andrew Gelman guest appearance
  • Finish Day 2 content
  • Varying slopes model

Day 3 Afternoon

  • Time varying parameters
  • Forecasting