
Remote debugging using gdb with graphical code breaks and stepping

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Remote debugging using gdb with graphical code breaks and stepping

To run rgdb, simply execute rgdb.py:

    chmod a+x rgdb.py
    ./rgdb.py /var/root/remote_executable_path

It helps if you have ssh keys setup, so that you won't need to enter your login credentials every time you execute rgdb.

	You'll be prompted on first run for a code path and tag file. The code path is where rgdb searches for source code files when it encounters a filename in gdb output. For example, ~/code could be the base directory where you store all your source files.

	The tag file property refers to your ctags file. Having a ctags file improves the speed and accuracy of file searches, but is not required.

To install on openSUSE:

    sudo zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/dmulder/openSUSE_13.1/ rgdb
    sudo zypper in rgdb
Or use the yast 1 click installer here:


You can now run rgdb from the command line:

