
Tristan the deployer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The project was developed during HackTBILISI Fall 2015 festival. Tristan the Deployer helps you build the Android app distribution pipeline. You can find demo video here.



To set up project for your own Android project follow these steps:

  1. Link your GitHub repo to Travis
  2. Setup .travis.yml to upload artifacts to Amazon S3
  3. Connect S3 and AWS Lambda
  4. Create Slack organisation and get custom hook url
  5. Write script for lambda to post to Slack



script section

runs gradle task and sets BUCKET and DIR variables. For example, if GitHub repo is gkiko/Popcorn then BUCKET=gkiko and DIR=Popcorn. These variables will be handy when storing data in S3.

Notice on bucket naming

Bucket names can contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Each label must start and end with a lowercase letter or a number

My S3 console says that bucket names can contain only lowercase characters. More info here

before_deploy section

./gradlew assemble command saves build output in app/ directory:

app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk              // <---

The file we are interested in is app-debug.apk. Script in before_deploy moves the .apk in new directory and deletes other files. app-debug.apk is renamed with git commit hash and placed under the direcotry maching GitHub project name.

deploy section

Uploads build artifact to S3. The file is stored in $BUCKET/$DIR



This file is deployed on AWS Lambda.

create S3 public link

Download link for the .apk file is the most essential part. We generate S3 public link in concatUrl function. Yes I know, this is ugly and unreliable. We will find better solution asap!

post to Slack channel

You should have already done step 4. Sends json data to Slack API. text field in the json is formatted with Slack markdown to include hyperlinks.