
A collection of R wrapper functions for Maespa/Maestra

Primary LanguageR

The Maeswrap R package

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This package is a collection of tools to work with the Maespa model.

Main functions:

  • readPAR : read a parameter value from an input file into R
  • replacePAR : replace a parameter value in an input file
  • replaceNameList : replace an entire namelist, with a list of values
  • parseFile : read an entire input file into a nested list
  • PlotStand : plot the stand in 3D (requires the rgl package)
  • readdayflux : read the daily output file into a dataframe (see also readwatbal, readhrflux)
  • replacemetdata : replace the met data with a dataframe of values
  • runmaespa : a simple wrapper to run the model, read output into dataframes


The package is hosted on CRAN, so you can do


or install the development version via:

# Or if you don't have devtools: 