
R package Rdpack provides functions and macros facilitating writing and management of R documentation.

Primary LanguageR


Provides functions for manipulation of R documentation objects, including function reprompt() for updating existing Rd documentation for functions, methods and classes; function rebib() for import of references from bibtex files; a macro for importing 'bibtex' references which can be used in Rd files and roxygen2 comments; and other convenience functions for references.


The latest stable version is on CRAN.


You can also install the development version of Rdpack from Github:



Inserting Bibtex references

The simplest way to insert Bibtex references is with the Rd macro \insertRef. Just put \insertRef{key}{package} in the documentation to insert item with key key from file REFERENCES.bib in your package package. For this to work the DESCRIPTION file of the package needs to be amended, see below the full details.


To prepare a package for importing BibTeX references it is necessary to tell the package management tools that package Rdpack and its Rd macros are needed. The references should be put in file inst/REFERENCES.bib. These steps are enumerated below in somewhat more detail, see also the vignette Inserting_bibtex_references.

  1. Add the following lines to file *DESCRIPTION':
Imports: Rdpack
RdMacros: Rdpack

Make sure the capitalisation of RdMacros: is as shown. If the field 'RdMacros' is already present, add 'Rdpack' to the list on that line. Similarly for field 'Imports'.

  1. Add the following line to file `NAMESPACE':

The equivalent line for 'roxygen2' is

#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
  1. Create file REFERENCES.bib in subdirectory inst/ of your package and put the bibtex references in it.

Inserting the references

Once the steps outlined above are done, references can be inserted in the documentation as


where key is the bibtex key of the reference and package is your package. This works in Rd files and in roxygen documentation chunks.

Usually references are put in section references. In an Rd file this might look something like:



The equivalent roxygen2 documentation chunk would be:

#' @references
#' \insertRef{Rpack:bibtex}{Rdpack}
#' \insertRef{R}{bibtex}

The first line above inserts the reference with key 'Rpack:bibtex' in Rdpack's REFERENCES.bib. The second line inserts the reference labeled 'R' in file REFERENCES.bib from package `bibtex'.

The example above demonstrates that references from other packages can be inserted (in this case "bibtex"), as well. This is strongly discouraged for released versions but is convenient during development. One relatively safe use is when the other package is also yours - this allows authors of multiple packages to not copy the same refences to each of their own packages.

For further details see the vignette at Inserting_bibtex_references, or open it from R:

vignette("Inserting_bibtex_references", package = "Rdpack")

Development using *devtools"

The described procedure works transparently in 'roxygen2' chunks and with Hadley Wickham's 'devtools'. Packages are built and installed properly with the `devtools' commands and the references are processed as expected.

Currently (2017-08-04) if you run help commands ?xxx for functions from the package you are working on and their help pages contain references, you may encounter some puzzling warning messages in `developer' mode, something like:

    1: In tools::parse_Rd(path) :
      ~/mypackage/man/abcde.Rd: 67: unknown macro '\insertRef'

These warnings are harmless - the help pages are built properly and no warnings appear outside ``developer'' mode, e.g. in a separate R~session. See below for a way to inspect help pages directly from Rd files.

If you care, here is what happens. These warnings appear because "devtools" reroutes the help command to process the developer's Rd sources (rather than the documentation in the installed directory) but doesn't tell parse_Rd where to look for additional macros. These claims can be deduced entirely from the informative message. Indeed, (1) the error is in processing a source Rd file in the development directory of the package, and (2) the call to parse_Rd specifies only the file.

Viewing Rd files

A function, viewRd() to view Rd files in the source directory of a package was introduced in version 0.4-23 of Rdpack. A typical user call would look something like:


By default the requested help page is shown in text format. To open the page in a browser, set argument 'type' to "html":

    Rdpack::viewRd("./man/filename.Rd", type = "html")

Users of 'devtools' can use viewRd in place of help() to view Rd sources during development. ( Yes, your real sources are the .R files but devtools::document() transfers the roxygen2 documentation chunks to Rd files, and a few others, which are then rendered by R's tools.)