
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This system is used to organise, automate and synchronise all of the customer facing areas within your company: from marketing to sales to customer service

How to start the project


PyLibMC - client for working with Memcached protocol

sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install -y libmemcached-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev python-dev build-essential build-dep python-psycopg2
virtualenv --no-site-packages alma.net
cd alma.net
. ./bin/activate
mkdir alma.net
cd alma.net
git init .
git remote add origin git@github.com:Mafioso/alma.net.git
git pull origin develop
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src
./manage.py syncdb
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py runserver localhost:8000

How to launch test suite

nose2 # run from dir where manage.py is located
nose2 -v --with-cov --cov-config coverage.cfg

# functional (view, selenium)
DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=TestConfiguration ./manage.py test --verbosity=3 --configuration=TestConfiguration --liveserver=

# unit

hosts configurations

sudo nano /etc/hosts    alma.net    bwayne.alma.net    my.alma.net

create default user and company
(email: b.wayne@batman.bat, password:123, company subdomain: bwayne):
./manage.py createdefaultuser
To execute tests on test server using selenium you need to create configuration file in your system
mkdir ~/.almanet
cd ~/.almanet
nano almanet.conf.py

HOSTCONF_REGEX = r'alma1\.net:8000'
PARENT_HOST = 'alma1.net:8000'

put this config to almanet.conf.py file. After this you need to connect to vpn and write on test server host file your vpn ip and your domain

Integrate browserify project with Django

  1. Create local file for settings overriding touch ~/.almanet/almanet.conf.py

  2. Update it by setting directory to your browserify project STATICFILES_DIRS = '+/home/anguix/work/projects/alma.net/frontend/almanet-frontend

Attention: '+' indicates add it to original STATICFILES_DIRS. The final constant will look like:


Restore from dump

  1. Drop database: dropdb almanet
  2. Create database: 2.1 sudo -u postgres psql 2.2 CREATE DATABASE almanet WITH OWNER = xepa4ep ENCODING = 'UTF-8' 2.3 test session - sudo -u postgres psql -d almanet
  3. Grant all privilleges 3.1 sudo -u postgres psql -d almanet 3.2 GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA PUBLIC TO almanet 3.3 check permissions - \dn+
  4. Restore data 4.1 sudo -u postgres psql -U xepa4ep -d almanet -W -f dbdumps/almanet.sql
  5. Post restore 5.1 enter postres user mode - su postgres 5.2 execute post restore script - ./postgres_restore_post.sh almanet xepa4ep

MAC OSX deps

Memcached (pylibmc) -- brew install libmemcached

Load postgres libraries into path, for ex for Postgres 9.4 sudo ln -sf /Library/PostgreSQL/9.4/lib/YOUR_LIB.dylib /usr/lib

Start uwsgi on dev: uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini --check-static /Users/rustem/projects/almacloud/alma.net/src --static-map /static=/Users/rustem/projects/almacloud/almanet-frontend/