
Learn Grafana quickly by spinning up an instance with Prometheus and Loki to test your Internet connection quickly and painlessly.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Grafana Playground

This is a little project I put together that lets you spin up a Grafana ecosystem in Docker and automatically feed in syslogs to the Loki database and metrics to the Prometheus database. That environment includes:

  • Grafana, for graphing
  • Loki, for storing time series logs
  • Prometheus, for storing time series metrics
  • ping, a container which pings multiple hosts
  • septa, a container which pulls train data from SETPA's API
  • telegraf, a utility for reading system metrics, which it will then feed into both Grafana and Loki. (Telegraf website)
  • A Docker container called logs, which automatically generates synthetic log entries.
  • Promtail, for reading in the generated logs, output of ping, as well as the contents of /var/log/. All logs are sent off to loki.
  • A script which implements tail -F in Python. (Stand alone demo script here)

Getting Started

  • cp hosts.txt.sample hosts.txt to set up your hosts.txt file
  • Run docker-compose up to start up the environment.
    • To spin up a "lite" version: ./bin/start-lite.sh
    • The lite version doesn't run SEPTA, Telegraf, or anything not related to pinging of hosts
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/ and log into Grafana with login/pass of admin/admin.
  • Create an API with Admin access
  • Spawn a shell in the tools container and import the dashboards and data sources into Grafana
    • docker-compose exec tools bash
    • export API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY
    • cat /mnt/config/dashboards.json | /mnt/bin/manage-dashboards.py --import --api-key ${API_KEY}
    • /mnt/bin/manage-data-sources.py --api-key ${API_KEY}
    • Type exit to exit the shell in that container
  • At this point, your Data Source (Loki and Prometheus) and Dashboards have been loaded, with the latter available at http://localhost:3000/dashboards.

List of Endpoints

Viewing Dashboards

The Ping dashboard

Look, just start with the ping dashboard, okay?

  • Ping Results - Shows ping time and packet loss for specified hosts. The hosts can be changed.
    • Additionally, any hostname (as defined in hosts.txt) that starts with internal- will be excluded from the aggregate ping dashbaord. This makes tracking Internet outages easier.

Yeah, so you loaded the dashboard, and it's showing the results of pinging multiple hosts on the Internet (round-trip time and packet loss) on a dashboard that gets updated every 5 seconds! Neat, huh?

Other dashboards

Here are a few other dashboards which show details about the running system:

Pinging Additional Hosts

  • Optionally edit the file hosts.txt to add human-readable names for IP addresses.
  • Copy docker-compose.override.yml.sample to docker-compose.override.yml.
  • Uncomment the environment: and HOSTS: keys.
  • Add additional hosts or IPs into HOSTS: as you see fit.
  • Restart the ping container with docker-compose kill ping; docker-compose rm -f ping; docker-compose up -d ping.
  • Current hosts being pined can be inspected with docker inspect grafana-playground_ping_1 | jq .[].Config.Env (adjust the container name accordingly).

Exporting Dashboards

  • If you want to export your current set of dashboards (including any changes made) to disk, first you'll need launch a shell in the tools container:
    • docker-compose exec tools bash
  • Now, using your API key, run the script to export dashboards into dashboards.json in the current directory:
    • export API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY
    • /mnt/bin/manage-dashboards.py --export --api-key ${API_KEY} > /mnt/dashboards.json
    • If you get an HTTP 401 error, it means your API key was invalid.
  • Exit the container and move the dashboards.json file into the config/ directory:
    • mv dashboards.json config/dashboards.json

Running Ad-hoc Queries

  • To run a specific query, click the Compass on the left which puts you into Explorer Mode.
    • Then paste in this query: { filename=~"/logs/synthetic/.*" }.
    • That should immediately show you the most recent logs that have been written. If this shows nothing, then data is not making it into Loki.

Manually Injecting Logs

If you want to manually inject an arbitrary number of logs, that can be done with this command:

  • docker-compose run logs n

Replace n with the number of logs you want to write. They will go into the file /logs/synthetic/manual.log in the logs volume, which will then be picked up by the promtail container. They can be viewed in Grafana with this query:

  • {filename=~"/logs/synthetic/manual.log"}

Considerations for Mac Users

For whatever reason, I have not had any luck mapping /var/log/ on my Mac to a Docker container.
I tried a bunch of different things, but no luck. I ended up coming up with a workaround, which is to install and run Promtail locally:

  • brew install promtail
  • ./bin/run-local-promtail.sh - Run this locally to send logs to the Dockerized version of Loki.

Command Line Utilities

If you want to query Loki directly, I write a command-line script for that:

  • ./bin/query.sh - Query the Dockerized instance of Loki on the command line.
    • Examples:
      • ./bin/query.sh '{job="logs-ping"}'
      • ./bin/query.sh '{job="logs-ping"}' 5
      • ./bin/query.sh '{job="logs-ping",host="docker"}'
      • ./bin/query.sh '{job="logs-ping",filename="/logs/ping/google.com.log"}'
      • ./bin/query.sh '{job="logs-ping",filename=~"/logs/ping.*"}'
      • ./bin/query.sh '{job="logs-ping",filename=~"/logs/ping.*"}' 10

List of Docker Containers and Their Functions

  • ping - Pings one or more hosts continuously and writes the results to logfiles in a Docker voluem
  • ping-metrics - Reads ping's logfiles and exports them to Prometheus via a webserver.
  • septa - Pulls Regionail Rail train data from SEPTA's API once a minute and writes it to a log for ingestion by Loki.
  • prometheus - Promtheus instance
  • grafana - Grafana instance.
  • logs - Container to make fake logs for testing Loki.
  • loki - Loki instance.
  • telegraf - Telegraf instance which exports system metrics to Prometheus.
  • promtail - Tails logs from various other containers, as well as /var/log/ on the host filesystem.
  • tools - Container to run tools from. It normally does nothing, to make use of it run docker-compose exec tools bash to spawn a shell, at which point the rest of the environment can be talked to using the container name as hostname.

Sending Docker Logs to Loki

Docker normally writes standard output from its containers to a file. However, standard output can also be sent somewhere else... such as Loki. Even the output from Loki can be sent back to itself! Here's how to do that:

  • Now, make a copy of docker-compose.override.yml.sample to docker-compose.override.yml:
    • cp -v docker-compose.override.yml.sample docker-compose.override.yml
    • docker-compose.override.yml is excluded with .gitignore so changes made be made to it.
  • If you are currently running any containers, you must kill and restart them as follows:
    • docker-compose kill logs; docker-compose up -d logs
  • You can verify the container is sending its logs to Loki with a command similar to:
    • docker inspect grafana-playground_logs_1 | jq .[].HostConfig.LogConfig
  • From there, you can view logs from all your containers in Grafana with this query:
    • {host="docker-desktop"}
  • To import the dashboard for viewing Docker logs:
    • Hover over the plus sign (+) on the left, click Import.
      • Click Upload JSON file and navgiate to the file config/log-volume-dashboard.json, then click Import.
    • The dashboard should now show a breakdown of all log volumes.

FAQ: After rebuilding the deployment, I see strange behavior in Grafana, such as "Frontend not running"

I've experienced this myself, and I haven't been able to reliably reproduce it, but a few things seem to have helped:

  • Removing/adding the data source for Loki in Grafana
  • Going to the bottom of the configuration page for the Loki data source, and clicking "Save and Test"
  • Editing each graph in Grafana, going into the query, and hitting "ctrl-enter" to resubmit the query. Yes, that seems weird to me too.

I expect to update this section as I perform more troubleshooting over the life of this app.

Additional Considerations

  • For Loki, I set min_ready_duration to be 5 seconds so that the database is ready quicker.
    • I would not recommend this setting for production use.
  • Loki is not configured to save logs to S3 or any other object store--everything is on the local disk.
  • There are some label extractions in config/promtail-config-docker.yaml which are commented out.
    • Feel free to uncomment them if you want to expirment with labels, but be advised the number of streams is the product of how many different label values you can have, which can cause performance issues. That is explained more in this post
    • TL;DR If you go crazy with labels and try to Index a high-cardinality field, you're gonna have a bad time!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How are you pinging multiple hosts in the ping container? Are you running multiple copies of ping?

A: Yes, I am. I used the excellent Daemontools package to a separate service for each host that is being pinged. Daemontools handles restarting of ping when it exits in a safe and sane way.

Q: But why multiple processes in a single container? That's not a best practice in Docker!

A: It was a judgement call, I felt that if I was pinging say, 10 different hosts, having 10 different containers all doing the same function would be a little unwieldly. Instead, it made more sense to me to keep all of that functionality under a single container.

Q: I see you're getting packet loss stats every 10 seconds. What about the overhead in stopping and starting a ping process every 10 seconds?

A: That's not an issue, because I don't do that. :-) Instead, I hacked the ping utility, and added in some code to print out the number of packets sent/received every 10 seconds. My script that parses those values then computes a packet loss value, and exports it to Prometheus. (For Loki, the packet loss is computed at query time with LogQL)

I used this technique before for my Splunk network health app and it works quite well.


  • Working on the logs container
    • docker-compose kill logs; docker-compose rm -f logs; docker-compose build logs && docker-compose up logs
  • Working on the promtail container
    • docker-compose kill promtail; docker-compose rm -f promtail; docker-compose build promtail && docker-compose up promtail
  • Updating Dashboards
    • See the Exporting Dashboards and Getting Started sections above

What Comes Next?

If you made it here, congrats, you now have a pretty thorough understanding of the Grafana Ecosystem and Loki! Maybe you could submit a PR to help me with my TODO list. :-)


  • Alerts!
    • Alerta integration?
    • Slack integration?
  • More metrics?
    • Temperature in Philadelphia?
    • BitCoin price? (Ew...)
    • Fake webserver logs with flog or similar...?
  • System metrics?
    • Can I run node_exporter or Telegraf and get metrics from the system itself?
  • Clustering with Loki?
