
jQUery Validators is a jQuery validation plugin that allows you to setup individual validators inside form controls, without binding the complete form configuring the validar for each control, individually. It has several options, like action taken on submit, error display styling and custom validation, including custom validation regular expressions and custom validation callbacks.

It is extensible to allow you to create field validations on change and focusout events. The plug-in runs individually for each field, without referring a specific form in the HTML. Also you can define custom validation function and custom messages, currently it supports English and Spanish messages, but you can setup your own messages on it. If the field isn’t valid for the validator, it will block the form identified by the form selector (written as jQuery selector string). The current version is 1.3.

An example on installing validators:

/* example (invalid) validator */
/* example validators */
$('#phone_input').addValidator({type: 'phone', allow_empty: true});

    type: 'integer',
    minl: 5000000,
    maxl: 50000000

$('#select_input').addValidator({type: 'notempty'});

$('#user_dv').addValidator({type: 'rutdv'});

function rut_validator(idv) {
    /* validate rut */
$('#user_rut, #user_dv').addValidator({
    type: 'custom',
    custom: rut_validator,
    custom_message: 'Rut Invalido'

Option Description

Option Description
border_color border color for the validation message.
background_color background color for the validation message.
foreground_color font color for the validation message.
border_width border width for the validation message.
padding padding on the validation message.
margin margin on the validation message.
display display type, inline, block, cell-row, etc.
messages message list, see the source code for more details.
form_selector form selector, as jQuery selector string.
form_event form event to handle using jQuery bind() operation.
type validator type, those listed above.
len minimum length of control value.
minl minimum limit for integer and double values.
maxl maximum limit for integer and double values.
exactlen requires an exact length for the control value.
regex regular expression to use with the ‘regex’ validator.
custom custom validation function to use with ‘custom’ validator.
language message language, currently it supports English and Spanish.
allow_empty allow empty values with true, false requires a value.
custom_message custom validation message, to use with ‘regex’ and ‘custom’ validators.
event overrides the default focusout and change events to validate the control.

Available Validators Types

Type Description
integer /[0-9]+/gi expression.
float /[0-9]+.[0-9]+/gi expression.
letters /[a-z]+/gi expression.
alphanum /[a-z0-9]+/gi expression.
email email validation
alphacode /[0-9a-z._-]+/gi expression.
code /[0-9._-]+/gi expression.
notempty /^.+$/gi expression.
empty /^$/gi expression.
rutdv /^[0-9K]$/g expression.
selected not empty value and selectedIndex different from zero con select controls.
zip /^[0-9]{5,15}$/g expression.
zip4 /^[0-9]{4,4}$/g expression.
deliverylocation /^[0-9]{2,2}$/g expression.
phone +country_code (area_code) phone_number expression.
regex custom regular expression validator.
http_url validates HTTP urls.
ftp_url validates FTP urls.
any_url validates URL (URI) urls.
twitter_id validates Twitter IDs.
iso_timestamp validates ISO Timestamps.
iso_date validates ISO Date formats.
date validates dates in yyyy-mm-dd format.
custom custom validation callback.

Available Option Defaults

Option Value
border_color #e00
background_color #900
foreground_color #fff
border_width 2px
messages _available_messages
form_selector form
form_event submit
type notempty
padding 2px
margin 2px
display inline
len false
minl false
maxl false
exactlen false
regex false
custom false
language es
allow_empty false
custom_message false
event false

Related Webpages

The jquery-validators main web page is located here coder.cl
