
sickbeard post processing script to fix scene episode/season numbering

Primary LanguagePython

This is an attempt to fix the situation where scene naming, episode numbering, or season numbering doesn't match tvdb data for the purposes of Sickbeard.

As it uses Sickbeard's code for filename parsing, it should work with every sort of file naming and numbering that Sickbeard does.

How It Works
1.  Create an RSS feed at NZBMatrix or wherever for the show you want to download.
2.  Subscribe to that RSS feed with SABnzzbbddddddd++++.
3.  Edit the values in this script near the beginning of the file between the lines indicating config values.
4.  Save a copy of this script, with an appropriate name for the show you're downloading, in the same directory as Sickbeard's autoProcessTv.py script.  (Or if you're not using sickbeard, whereever you want as long as SABnzbd can see it as a post-processing script.)
5.  Profit as SABnzbd and Sickbeard correctly rename and identify shows with messed up tvdb naming/numbering.
6.  Edit the show in Sickbeard and set it to "Paused" so Sickbeard doesn't try downloading the show itself.