
High Performance JavaScript MicroTemplating with Jinja like syntax

Primary LanguageJavaScript


OxygenJS is a High Performance JavaScript MicroTemplating with Jinja like syntax. See demo.html for more information.

Why OxygenJS?

  • It's small (7.8 Kb minified, 3166 bytes gzip)
  • It's fast (almost no branch, no parser, no lexer, only use split, join and replace)


Start by creating a template in your HTML code, like this:

<script type="html/template" id="users">
	{% for i in users %}
		<li><a href="{{ users[i].url }}">{{ users[i].name|capitalize }}</a></li>
		{% if users[i].name == "John Doz" %}
			<div>{{ users[i].name|capitalize|replace("doz", "Doe") }}</div>
		{% else %}
			<div>no no no</div>
		{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}

Then, to feed your template with data, just do the following:

var data = {
	users : [
			url : 'http://www.google.fr',
			name : 'John Doz'
			url : "http://www.yahoo.fr",
			name : "Stephen's Lawson"

document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = O2("users", data);

How to add custom filters?

O2.filters.caterizer = function(obj, number){
	return "I'm the father of " + number + " cats all named " + obj;

And now, in the template side, your brand new filter is available:

{{ "Alfred"|caterizer(6) }}
