
Vim plugin for working with function arguments.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Argument Text Object

Vim plugin for working with function arguments.

This plugin (kinda) provides a text-object a(argument).

  • via, vaa - select in/an arg
  • dia, daa - delete in/an arg
  • cia, caa - change in/an arg
  • yia, yaa - yank (copy) in/an arg
  • ]a, [a - jump to next/prev arg

This plugin does more than simply f,dT,, because it recognizes the inclusion relationship of parentheses.

⚠ WARNING ⚠: this plugin is in experimental phase, so feature set and provided commands may vary a lot.


Here | denotes cursor position.

Explanation Text before Input Text after
Delete an argument foo(ba|r, baz) press daa foo(|baz)
Delete in argument foo(ba|r, baz) press dia foo(|, baz)
Change in argument foo(ba|r, baz) press cia, type abc, press <esc> foo(abc|, baz)
Select in argument foo(ba|r, baz) press via foo(|bar|, baz)
Jump to next argument foo(ba|r, baz) press ]a foo(bar, |baz)


Just enable it in your preferable plugin manager.

Using vim-plug:

Plug 'dmytruek/argument-text-object'

Using packer:

use 'dmytruek/argument-text-object'


Change or disable keybinds:

If you don't like default keybinds, you can disable them:

let g:argtextobj_disable_remaps = 1

And set your own (be sure not to map functions meant for visual mode to normal mode and vice versa):

xnoremap  aa :<C-U>ArgtextobjXaa<CR>
nnoremap daa :<C-U>ArgtextobjNdaa<CR>
nnoremap caa :<C-U>ArgtextobjNcaa<CR>
nnoremap yaa :<C-U>ArgtextobjNyaa<CR>

xnoremap  ia :<C-U>ArgtextobjXia<CR>
nnoremap dia :<C-U>ArgtextobjNdia<CR>
nnoremap cia :<C-U>ArgtextobjNcia<CR>
nnoremap yia :<C-U>ArgtextobjNyia<CR>

nnoremap  [a :<C-U>ArgtextobjNpa<CR>
nnoremap  ]a :<C-U>ArgtextobjNna<CR>

Search limit:

Change search limit:

let g:argtextobj_search_limit = 1000


  • add options to disable certain brackets , e.g. triangle brackets (bc they are used as greater/less symbol) (and other?)
  • select even when cursor is on bracket character
  • select more if some selection already exists (vaaaa - select one more argument)
  • select even more if all inside parentheses already selected
  • make [a goto begin of prev arg, not end
  • make ia, aa really text-object, not just binds
  • ? make it a bit smarter, so that it works as expected even when any of <,>,<=,>= is in arg, e.g. func(arg1, x < y, arg2)

If you have some other suggestions, feel free to open an issue.


  • shift args (<a - move current arg to left, >a - move current arg to right)
