
Sping Boot MVC Project

Primary LanguageJava

Purpose: Educational exploration of Spring Boot and MVC architecture.


  • User Logic: Implemented user-related functionality, including:
    • Adding track items with properties such as Track Name, Artist, and Track Status.
    • Removing track items.
    • Changing track status.
  • Main List Page: Created a page where unauthenticated users can view tracks with public status.
  • Registration Logic: Added user registration functionality.

Technologies Used:

  • Spring Boot: Leveraged Spring Boot for building the project.
  • MVC Structure: Implemented the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
  • Hibernate: Utilized Hibernate for database interaction, including writing HQL queries.
  • Maven: Developed the project using Maven, which simplifies project management, handles dependencies, and automates building and packaging.

Learning Goals:

  • MVC Understanding: Gained insights into how MVC components (Model, View, Controller) interact.
  • Project configuring: Configured the pom.xml file to manage dependencies, specify build phases, and define plugins.
  • Hands-On Experience: Practiced real-world development by building a functional application.