
Task Management Boards. Each visitor is allowed to create/update/delete boards. Each board contains 3 columns: ToDo, In Progress, Done. Each visitor can search board by boardID. Each visitor is able to add/update/delete cards (title and description). Visitors are able to drag and drop cards into other columns, or change order

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Task Management Boards

  • Each visitor is allowed to create/update/delete boards.
  • Each board (unique hashed ID, name) contain 3 columns - ToDo, In Progress, Done.
  • Each visitor can enter a board ID and load relevant columns with cards (if exist) related to this board.
  • Each visitor is able to add/update/delete cards (title and description).
  • Visitors are able to drag and drop cards into other columns, or change order.


Clone the repo from comand line:

$ git clone https://github.com/dmytro-chushko/boards-manager.git
$ cd article-manager

Install packeges in ./clinet and ./server directory:

$ cd clinet
$ npm i
$ cd ..
$ cd server
$ npm i
$ cd ..

To run the project:

To run with Docker:

  1. Make sure you have an actual version of Docker installed on your computer. Download and install if it is necessary.
  2. Configure .env files in both ./client and ./server directories like described below
  3. Staying in root directory build the docker images from command line:
$ docker-compose build
  1. Run the project:
$ docker-compose up
  1. You may change settings in docker-compose.yml file

To run from your local machine:

  1. Make sure you have a version of Node.js not lower than 18.18.1 installed on your computer. Download and install if it is necessary.
  2. Make sure you have PostgreSQL database. Download and install if it is necessary.
  3. Configure .env files in both ./client and ./server directories like described below
  4. Being in the ./server directory run the back-end application from the command line:
$ npm run start:dev
  1. Being in the ./client directory run the front-end application from the command line:
$ npm run dev

Navigate to the address in your browser http://localhost:5173. This page will automatically reload after saving changes to project files.
Navigate to the address in your browser http://localhost:8090/api/docs to see the Swagger API documentation.

Configuration of the .env files:

For front-end application:

Create .env file in the ./client diretory and set this variable:

  • VITE_BASE_URL = backend application host name

For back-end application:

Create .development.env file in the ./server directory and set the next variables:

  • PORT = application port
  • DB_TYPE = postgres
  • POSTGRES_HOST = database host
  • POSTGRES_PORT= database port
  • POSTGRES_USER = database user
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD= database password
  • POSTGRES_DB = databasee name

Or you can use these ones if are using docker-compose running approach:



Base backend libraries

  • Framework: NestJS
  • Validation: Class Validator
  • ORM: TypeORM
  • DB: PostgreSQL
  • API Protocol: REST(OpenAPISwagger)

Base frontend libraries

  • Framework: React SPA (Vite)
  • Forms | Validation: Hook Forms, Yup
  • State | Query: Redux RTK
  • UI: Styled-Components


  • Docker Compose