
Simple-but-clever task management application.

Primary LanguageC++


Simple-but-clever task management application!


  • Dmytro Yurchenko
  • Sergiy Shtelmakh

Brief description

The todos application is intended to help user in organizing his time. It is something like "to do list" application.

The main entity of the application is task. Task consists of a title, priority, due date, commentary, reminder date and status (completed or not). Task's commentary is a list of records. Every record in commentary is one of the next: link, image, sound, text, attached document. User can create, modify and remove tasks and organize them into categories. Category is a named set of tasks. Categories can be created, modified and removed. It is possible to move tasks from one category to another.

User can sort tasks by due date, priority and title. Tasks can be filtered by category and due date.

todos provides integration with Google API, so new tasks can be imported from Google Calendar.

The application has login and sign up screens, so different users can login from the same device. All information is stored separately for different users, so no one sees tasks of other.

User interface

todos contains next screens:

Start screeen

Login screen

Signup screen

Dashboard screen


Task editor screen

Applications diagram

Applications diagram


