
Shell configs, etc.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Adapted from github.com/skozlov/dotfiles Some of the comments below are not valid, since original configs remnoved and new added. –Dmytro Kovalov

zshrc, screenrc, vimrc, etc (my way)

This is a compilation and adaptation of different configuration tricks I found in different places on the Internet. It works for OSX and Debian Linux - two systems that I’m mostly using. There will probably be no bash stuff here, as I decided to stick to Z shell. To distinguish generic stuff that may be useful to the others from my private/experimental stuff, the latter goes into files with a name prefixed with an underscore.


Clone the project to wherever you like to keep it, and then run

rake install

When asked what to do with an existing file, you may press “r” to automatically rename the file in question into <filename>.backup.<currentdate>.

To change the default shell, run

chsh -s /bin/zsh


If you want nice colors for the ls command under OSX, install GNU coreutils: mattbsoftware.blogspot.com/2009/04/colerful-ls-dircolors-on-mac.html.
