Free Photo Booth Templates

License: Unlicense

These photo booth templates are free to use, modify and print for any purpose. Many of them may not make any sense. This is my daily dogfooding exercise for Photo Booth Studio, so my intent isn't to make every one of these easy to use for an event. I'm just having fun with my own product. My goal is to design and export each template in under 3.5 minutes. If any of these templates happen to be useful or inspiring to someone, that's a bonus.

What is Photo Booth Studio?

Photo Booth Studio is the easiest way for anybody to personalize their own photo booth prints. Your customers would rather do it themselves anyway.

Simple choices let anybody personalize a great design

Nobody likes to start with a blank canvas. Whether your customer is organizing a wedding or a holiday party, they can finish a design with a few simple choices.

Take back your inbox

Cut down on long email chains with your customers. Send them to your own white- labeled Photo Booth Studio. If they have any questions, we will be there to help via chat on the bottom right corner of every page.

How to use these templates

The hard way

If you're just downloading a template from my collection here, I haven't thought of an easy way to make these files usable yet.

You're on your own, so Good Luck! 😉

What you would need to do
  1. Make sure your printer can print an image using my dimensions.
  2. Figure out the position and size of each photo box and configure your photo booth desktop software package appropriately.
  3. If you want to change what I wrote on the template, you're better off just using my template as inspiration and starting from scratch in Photoshop or Sketch. If you want to know what fonts I used on a particular template, just file an issue and I'll respond within a day.

The easy way

You could sign up for Photo Booth Studio. I made every one of these very quickly in Photo Booth Studio and so can you. When you export a design from Photo Booth Studio, you can setup any photo booth desktop software package to work with Photo Booth Studio designs. We give you the pixel dimensions of the photo boxes.


If you've designed a photo booth template that you'd like to put into the public domain, contact me or make a Pull Request. As of now I have no specific quality standards or guidelines on how it should be exported. So I will accept virtually anything that isn't spam.