
"Should I learn interface builder/storyboarding or just use code?" Xcode 6 settles that question.

You should be using Storyboards with Swift

When I started in learning Xcode and Objective-C, I was instantly more comfortable creating my UI entirely in code, until I watched this demo Steve Jobs did of the NeXT OS.

[Insert Video]

The interface Builder he demoed there is the infant version of the same tool we use in Storyboards today. Ignoring it would miss half the value of Xcode. It looks scary at first, but I promise that it isn't. And now with Swift and Xcode 6, you can even see your custom views in Storyboards.

if using("Storyboards","Xcode 6","Swift") {
  you = .NotADummy
} else {
  you = .Fool