
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

File Preview Data and Analysis

DOI Build Status


This repository holds the scripts and data in support of "file preview" operations for DNA-based data storage (doi pending). This is the main repository and relies on two others:


System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

This code will run on a standard computer with modest RAM and compute speed. However, some aspects of the analysis, such as the clustering analysis we perform, are greatly sped-up by access to a high performance computing system. Details can be found in the associated repositories, namely github.com/dna-storage/preview-cluster.git.

Software Requirements

OS Requirements

This package is supported on Linux. The package has been tested on the following systems:

  • Linux: Ubuntu 18.04

Note that other OSes or versions will support our software by using Docker with our provided Dockerfiles.

Software Dependences

The easiest way to satisfy all software dependences is by using Docker. If you do wish to install it in a local environment, you will need at a minimum:

gcc 7.5.0 and supporting build tools
python 3.6.9

Python Dependences

The python code has been written and tested on multiple python versions from 3.6 to 3.8. But, these requirements are specified to match our Dockerfile which uses python 3.6.9. It has the following dependences:

-e git+http://github.com/dna-storage/dnapreview.git#egg=dnapreview

Installation Guide

For a quick start, the recommended approach is to use Docker. But, it should be possible to compile and run the software on most systems.

Use your local environment

For a partial install of this repo, you simply use python 3 already installed on your system.

  1. First, create a suitable virtual environment by making a directory and creating a virtual environment for python:

    mkdir -p preview
    cd preview
    python3 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
  2. Next, download or clone the repos:

    git clone https://github.com/dna-storage/ncomm-file-preview.git 
    git clone https://github.com/dna-storage/preview-cluster.git 
  3. Install software and dependencies:

    cd ncomm-file-preview
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    cd ../preview-cluster
    make -C file-sequencer-analysis init
    pip3 install -r file-sequencer-analysis/requirements.txt	

Just Use Docker

If you do not already have Docker, you will need to install Docker on your system. It is available for free for most versions of Windows, Linux, and MacOS. You may need to be the owner or administrator of the system to install and run it.

To use a pre-built docker image, use the following command to bring up the docker image. Note, this will download > 3 GB to your system and you will benefit from a high speed network connection:

docker run -it jamesmtuck/ncomm-file-preview:latest /bin/bash

Or, you may build your own image following these steps. Note, this process may take upwards of 10 minutes, depending on the speed of your system and network. The last docker build command takes the longest time.

git clone https://github.com/dna-storage/ncomm-file-preview
cd ncomm-file-preview
docker build -t preview .
docker run -it -v `pwd`:/host preview /bin/bash

This will bring up a command prompt in a Linux container where commands can be executed. You can copy the produced output files back out to the host computer at /host.

Reproduce Our Analyses

From inside the Docker container, run the following command to perform analyses and generate the raw data. This command may take several hours to complete.

make all

The preview encoded library can be found within the container after running make. Note, this library is regenerated from scratch and may slightly differ from the one used in the paper due to differences in dependent software libraries between now and the time we ordered the library:


The data produced by analyzing fastq files can be found in these two directories within the container:


Data Downloads

Download the raw experimental data from release v0.1-alpha.


This software is released under the MIT License.


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grants CNS-1650148, CNS-1901324, ECCS 2027655) and a North Carolina State University Research and Innovation Seed Funding Award (Grant 1402-2018-2509).