
Primary LanguageVim Script


Create, use, and remove an interactive repl within Neovim.

This plugin uses a Neovim-specific api and is only intended to be used with the latest version of Neovim (0.5.0+). To see if your Neovim is compatible, run:

nvim --version

2 pluggable mappings are provided; they rely on the latest version of Tim Pope's vim-repeat.


If using vim-plug, place the following line in the Plugin section of your init.vim / vimrc:

Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
Plug 'pappasam/nvim-repl'

Then run the Ex command:


I personally use vim-packager, so if you'd like to go down the "package" rabbit hole, I suggest giving that a try.

Full Documentation

From within Neovim, type:

:help repl

Key mappings

Two pluggable mappings are provided. They rely on the latest version of Tim Pope's vim-repeat.

<Plug>ReplSendLine send the current line to the repl. Only mappable in normal mode.

<Plug>ReplSendVisual send the visual selection to the repl. Only mappable in visual mode.

The user should map these pluggable mappings. Example mappings:

nnoremap <leader><leader>e :ReplToggle<CR>
nmap <leader>e <Plug>ReplSendLine
vmap <leader>e <Plug>ReplSendVisual


Use g:repl_filetype_commands to map Neovim filetypes to repls. Eg, if you automatically want to run a "python" repl for python filetypes and a "node" repl for javascript filetypes, your configuration might look like this:

let g:repl_filetype_commands = {
    \ 'javascript': 'node',
    \ 'python': 'python',
    \ }

Use g:repl_default to set the default repl if no configured repl is found in g:repl_filetype_commands. Defaults to &shell.


:Repl or :ReplOpen: open the repl. Takes the name of an executable repl as an optional argument. If no argument is provided, defaults to either the filetype-associated repl or the configured default repl.

:ReplClose: close the repl, if open.

:ReplToggle: if repl is open, close it. If repl is closed, open it using either the filetype-associated repl or the configured default repl.

:ReplClear: clear the repl, if open.


This plugin prioritizes simplicity and ease of use on a POSIX-compliant system. Support for Windows and other non-Unix derivatives is out of scope.

Written by

Samuel Roeca samuel.roeca@gmail.com