
Rofi frontend for Bitwarden

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A rofi frontend for Bitwarden

Based on the alternative Bitwarden CLI rbw and inspired by rofi-pass, rbw-rofi is a simplistic password typer/copier using rofi.


  • Type the selected password with Enter or Alt+3 (and copy TOTP to clipboard)
  • Type the selected username with Alt+2
  • Autotype username and password (with a tab character in between) with Alt+1 (and copy TOTP to clipboard)
  • Copy the username to your clipboard with Alt+u
  • Copy the password to your clipboard with Alt+p
  • Copy the totp to your clipboard with Alt+t


You can configure rofi-rbw either with cli arguments or with a config file called $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/rofi-rbw.rc. In the file, use the long option names without double dashes.


long option short option possible values description
--action -a type-password (default), type-username, autotype, copy-username, copy-password Chose what rofi-rbw should do.
--prompt -r any string Define the prompt text for rofimoji.
--show-help true (default), false Show a help message with the available shortcuts.
--rofi-args Define arguments that will be passed through to rofi.
Please note that you need to specify it as --rofi-args="<rofi-args>" or --rofi-args " <rofi-args>" because of a bug in argparse
--selector rofi, wofi Show the selection dialog with this application.
--clipboarder xsel, xclip, wl-copy Access the clipboard with this application.
--typer xdotool, wtype Type the characters using this application.


Arch Linux

Install the rofi-rbw AUR package.

From PyPI

rofi-rbw is on PyPI. You can install it with pip install --user rofi-rbw (or sudo pip install rofi-rbw).


Download the wheel file from releases and install it with sudo pip install $filename (or you can use pip install --user $filename to only install it for the local user). Note that it needs configargparse to work.