
CLI Script to mirror git repositories.

Primary LanguagePHP

Git Automated Mirror

A php script that copies a git repository A to repository C (using a working repository B).


The main idea is to fetch every ref (branch, tags) from repo A (the source) and push it to repo B (the mirror). Optional the script merges a local branch into each branch and tag of A before pushing it to B.


  • PHP 5.4
  • Linux based OS (Other Unix like OS might work as well)

You need a local repository and SSH access to both remote repositories (HTTPS is not supported, a public readable source repo might be work with http, but it's not tested).


Setup the working repository:

$ mkdir ~/working-repo && cd ~/working-repo
$ git init
$ git remote add origin git@remote.host:path/to/source.git
$ git remote add mirror git@yourhost.com:path/to/mirror.git
$ git fetch origin

Thats it. Now start the script:

$ cd git-automated-mirror/bin
$ php git-automated-mirror.php -d ~/working-repo --remote-source origin --remote-mirror mirror


  • -h | --help Print a helping message.
  • --remote-source The remote of the source repo.
  • --remote-mirror The remote of the mirror repo.
  • --merge-branch A local branch to merge in each branch of the source repo and tag during the process.

Merge Branch

It's a way to merge new files to the source repo during the proccess.

Assuming the following situation:

$ git init
$ echo "Hello World!" > uniqueFile.txt
$ git checkout -b mergeBranch
$ git add uniqueFile.txt
$ git commit -m"add uniqueFile.txt"

Now add the source remote (which does not have any branch named mergeBranch):

$ git remote add origin git@remote.host:path/to/source.git
$ git fetch origin
Warning: no common commits!

With the option --merge-branch you can merge this branch into every other branch before pushing it to the mirror repository:

 php git-automated-mirror.php -d ~/working-repo --remote-source origin --remote-mirror mirror --merge-branch mergeBranch


  • Provide a phar archive