
This WordPress plugin changes the image caption markup to a more responsive variant.

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Plugin: »Responsive Image Captions«

This plugin replaces the default Media-Caption markup which uses a style attribute and fix width values with a more flexible one.


You'll need to adapt your themes or childthemes css. So this plugin is not just »plug'n'play«.

.wp-caption-wrapper.aligncenter {
	text-align: center;
.wp-caption.aligncenter {
	display: inline-block;
/* and of course… */
img {
	max-width: 100%;
	height: auto;

Five classes, three interfaces WTF?

Indeed, one could handle this issue with exactly one function. So why this effort? Because I can. Seriously: first of all this somewhat a proof-of-concept and one example on a testable MVC pattern in a WordPress plugin. Critical reviews are welcome!