Silverstripe Search Synonym Editor

A module that allow's editing of Solr Search Synonyms.

CMS Usage and Queued Jobs

A synonym is a word that means exactly or nearly the same thing as another word or phrase in the same language. This module adds a Synonyms Editor Model Admin to the CMS menu which allows content editors to edit Solr Search Synonyms.

After editing or deleting a Synonym, the UpdateSynonymsTxtFileJob is added to the queue (this also runs on dev build). This job will add all synonyms to the synonyms.txt file and then enqueue the Solr_Configure dev task as a queued job to reconfigure your search index.


  • Silverstripe Recipe Solr search 2.11

synonyms.txt file

Ensure that the synonyms.txt file exists in the following location:

BASE_PATH . '/app/conf/extras/synonyms.txt';

See the File-based configuration documentation for details about the 'conf/extras' folder.


Include the following in your composer.json and run composer update:

"require": {
    "dnadesign/silverstripe-search-synonym-editor": "dev-main"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "git",
            "url": ""