
A utility to convert fiddler capture (saz) to jmeter script (jmx)

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A utility to convert fiddler capture archive (saz) to jmeter script (jmx). It exports the jmx with good defaults and boilerplate.


As a Performance tester (or "http hacker") we quite regularly play with tools like Fiddler which helps us to log/inspect/edit/save all http(s) traffic between the client and the server. Another favorite tool is Apache JMeter which is responsible to generating heavy http/or any kind of traffic and measuring transaction attributes. This tool/js library attempts to bridge the gap between the two by providing users to generate a jmeter script from a fiddler capture archive.

Alternatives and their pain points

  • HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder: JMeter's very own http traffic recorder. The interface is hard to use and does not allow you to save the recorded data (easily 😉)
  • Blazemeter Chrome Extension: doesnt save the responses which are very crucial for correlation also some bugs on GET query string conversion.


Make sure you have Nodejs and npm installed. Latest LTS Version: 10.16.0 (includes npm 6.9.0).

There are multiple options to use this library.

as a library

  1. install the package npm i saz2jmx
  2. sample javascript, say script.js
let saz2jmx = require('saz2jmx');
saz2jmx('c:/path/to/imported.saz', 'exports/exported.jmx');
  1. Execute node script.js

as an npm executable

execute it directly without installing the package

npx saz2jmx -s source.saz -d destination.jmx

as a global command

install the package by running npm i -g saz2jmx. Then run the command as shown below.

Usage: saz2jmx [options]

example: saz2jmx -s source.saz -d destination.jmx

  -v, --version                    output the version number
  -s, --source <source>            source .saz file
  -d, --destination <destination>  destination .jmx file
  -h, --help                       output usage information

That's it, really!

Contributors welcome!

Just send pull requests with feature/bug description. We can discuss about the approach through comments in issues page


Click here to create new issue.


  • ability make samplers configurable (pass in a json maybe?)
  • ability add additional jmeter components
  • create jmx from bzt configs (yml) (I know its reinventing the wheel! but reinventing in JS, bzt is in python)