
Record NAO's joint positions and save the data or generate code to produce animations using FluentNAO (https://github.com/dnajd/FluentNao)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Record NAO's joint positions and save the data or generate code to produce animations using FluentNAO (https://github.com/dnajd/FluentNao)

There is a video introduction to NAO recorder at: http://youtu.be/SjgCjY7L-Q8

Spoken commands

When speech recognition is enabled the robot will respond to the following commands. Note movement and relax/stiffness commands are only effective when motors are on.

  • "left arm stiff",
  • "left arm relax",
  • "right arm stiff",
  • "right arm relax",
  • "left leg stiff",
  • "left leg relax",
  • "right leg stiff",
  • "right leg relax",
  • "head stiff",
  • "head relax",
  • "now lie belly",
  • "now lie back",
  • "now stand",
  • "now crouch",
  • "now sit",
  • "now key frame",
  • "now exit",
  • "hello now",
  • "left hand open",
  • "left hand close",
  • "right hand open",
  • "right hand close",


NAO recorder uses Kivy for its user interface. Follow the instructions at http://kivy.org/#download to install Kivy for your platform

If you need EDN support then 'pip install edn_format' this uses https://github.com/swaroopch/edn_format

NAO recorder also depends on Aldebaran Robotics Python SDK

Binary distributions are available for MacOS X and Windows. These are packaged with Aldebaran's python bindings for NAOQI 1.14.5.

Windows binary

Download the windows zip file from google drive

Unzip and run the nao-recorder.bat script to launch NAO recorder

MacOS X binary

Download the macosx zip file form google drive

Unzip the file and you should be able to launch the application.


There is currently no single download available for Linux, but it's not hard to run NAO recorder from the source

  • Clone the repository or download the ZIP file from github
  • Ensure that Aldebaran's python bindings are in your PYTHONPATH
  • Use your native package managed to install Kivy (eg yum install python-Kivy or download from kivy.org)
  • sudo pip install edn_format
  • launch NAO recorder using the naorecorder.sh script in the top-level directory