
Object.observe polyfill/shim trying to be compliant

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Object.observe Polyfill/shim

Thanks to my new job I have a lot more time to devote to things like this library. It has gone a REALLY long time without updates and there is a lot that can be done to make it more functional. I hope to be spending more time on it soon, but for now I've fixed all the bugs that I know of and have been reported. Thanks to everyone for their reports, and keep them coming if you find one.

Started as GIST: https://gist.github.com/4173299

Tested against Chromium build with Object.observe and acts EXACTLY the same for the basics, though Chromium build is MUCH faster.

Trying to stay as close to the spec as possible, this is a work in progress, feel free to comment/update



The spec has changed a lot since I origionally wrote this, need to go back and add in a lot of things like custom update types and other fun. For now though it seems to suffice.

Limits so far

Built using polling in combination with getter&setters. This means that if you do something quick enough it won't get caught.


var myObject = {};
Object.observe(myObject, console.log);
myObject.foo = "bar";
delete myObject.foo;

The observer function would never see the addition of foo since it was deleted so quickly.

Planned Updates

For FireFox using Proxies will result in better performance. Will look into this more.

Examples and Usage

See examples folder

Latest Updates

* Added Notifier.notify() with custom types support by klimlee
* Added accept list support by klimlee
* Stopped monitoring DOM nodes, Canary can't do it and neither should the shim.
* Added in support for setImmediate if it is available.
* Memory leak fix by Moshemal
* Array length now reports as an update when it changes
* Added enumerable flag to defineProperty