
Grunt task to read and manipulate HTML with CSS selectors.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

grunt-dom-munger Build Status

Read and manipulate HTML documents using CSS selectors.

Use this task to read and transform your HTML documents. Typical use cases include:

  • Read the references from your script or link tags and pass those to concat,uglify, etc automatically.
  • Update HTML to remove script references or anything that is not intended for your production builds.
  • Add, update, or remove any DOM elements for any reason.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1 and Node >=0.8.

npm install grunt-dom-munger --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "dom_munger" task


The dom-munger reads one or more HTML files and performs one or more operations on them.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        //You typically would only specify one option per target but they may be combined
        read: {selector:'link',attribute:'href',writeto:'myCssRefs',isPath:true},
        remove: '#removeMe',
        update: {selector:'html',attribute:'appmode', value:'production'},
        prefix: {selector:'link',attribute:'href',value:'project-name/'},
        suffix: {selector:'html',attribute:'version',value:'.0.1'},
        append: {selector:'body',html:'<div id="appended">Im being appended</div>'},
        prepend: {selector:'body',html:'<span>Im being prepended</span>'},
        text: {selector:'title',text:'My App'},
        callback: function($){
          $('#sample2').text('Ive been updated via callback');
      src: 'index.html', //could be an array of files
      dest: 'dist/index.html' //optional, if not specified the src file will be overwritten


Note: each option (except callback) requires a selector. This can be any valid JQuery selector.


Extract the value of a given attribute from the set of matched elements then set the values into dom_munger.data.{writeto}. A typical use-case is to grab the script references from your html file and pass that to concat,uglify, or cssmin.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        read: {selector:'script',attribute:'src',writeto:'myJsRefs',isPath:true}
      src: 'index.html'
  uglify: {
    dist: {
      src:['other.js','<%= dom_munger.data.myJsRefs %>'],
      dest: 'dist/app.min.js'

When isPath is true, the extracted values are assumed to be file references and their path is made relative to the Gruntfile.js rather than the file they're read from. This is usually necessary when passing the values to another grunt task like concat or uglify.


Removes one or more matched elements.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        remove: '#removeMe' //remove an element with the id of removeMe
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'


Updates the value of a given attribute for the set of matched elements.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        update: {selector:'html',attribute:'appmode', value:'production'}, //set a appmode="production" on <html>
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'


Prepends to the value of a given attribute for the set of matched elements.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        prefix: {selector:'link',attribute:'href', value:'project-name/'}, //prepend project-name to the href attribute, for example href="project-name/next/path" on <link>
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'


Appends to the value of a given attribute for the set of matched elements.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        suffix: {selector:'html',attribute:'version', value:'.0.1'}, //append .0.1 to the version attribute, for example version="1.0.1" on <html>
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'


Appends the content to each matched element.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        append: {selector:'body',html:'<div id="appended">Im being appended</div>'}
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'


Prepends the content to each matched element.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        prepend: {selector:'body',html:'<span>Im being prepended</span>'}
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'


Updates the text content of the matched elements.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        text: {selector:'title',text:'My App'} //Updates the <title> to "My App"
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'


When you feel like bustin loose. Set a callback function and use the passed JQuery object to do anything you want to the HTML.

  dom_munger: {
    your_target: {
      options: {
        callback: function($){
          //do anything you want here
      src: 'index.html',
      dest: 'dist/index.html'

Full End-to-End Example for Concatentation and Minification

The following is an example config to read your js and css references from html, concat and min them, and update the html with the new combined files.

This configuration would be run in this order:

grunt dom_munger:readcss dom_munger:readjs copy cssmin uglify dom_munger:updatecss dom_munger:updatejs
  dom_munger: {
    readcss: {
      options: {
          read: {selector:'link',attribute:'href',writeto:'cssRefs',isPath:true}
      src: 'index.html' //read from source index.html
    readjs: {
        read: {selector:'script',attribute:'src',writeto:'jsRefs',isPath:true}
      src: 'index.html' //read from source index.html
    updatecss: {
      options: {
        append: {selector:'head',html:'<link href="css/app.full.min.css" rel="stylesheet">'}
      src:'dist/index.html'  //update the dist/index.html (the src index.html is copied there)
    updatejs: {
      options: {
        append: {selector:'body',html:'<script src="js/app.full.min.js"></script>'}
      src: 'dist/index.html'  //update the dist/index.html (the src index.html is copied there)
  copy: {
    main: {
      files: [
        {src: ['index.html'], dest: 'dist/'} //copy index.html to dist/index.html
  cssmin: {
    main: {
      src:'<%= dom_munger.data.cssRefs %>', //use our read css references and concat+min them
  uglify: {
    main: {
      src: '<%= dom_munger.data.jsRefs %>', //use our read js references and concat+min them

Release History

  • v3.1.0 - Prefix and suffix options added. Fixes for issues #8, #10, and #11.
  • v3.0.0 - Removed jsdom engine as cheerio is as good without needing contextify.
  • v2.0.0 - Moved to cheerio engine. Upgraded jquery to v2.
  • v1.0.1 - remove moved to the second to last operation performed (only callback is later).
  • v1.0.0 - Read task modified to write values to dom_munger.data rather than to write directly to a task config.
  • v0.1.0 - Initial release.