
Set of Python scripts to practice in class and privately with Jupyter Networks.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Intro to Deep Learning

Set of Python scripts to practice in class and privately with Jupyter Networks.

List of files:

  1. The neural networks with simplicity

1.1 Forward propagation

1.2 Activation function

1.3 Activation function II

1.4 Multilayer perceptron

  1. The perceptron

2.1 Example 1

2.2 Example 2

2.3 Example 3

  1. The archiquecture

3.1 Example of binary classification. Predicting Breast cancer

3.2 Same example of cancer, but now changing learning rate parameteres and comparing performance

3.3 Example of a multiclass problem with handwriting images

3.4 Example of a regression model

3.5 Example of a multiclass problem with clothes images

3.6 Example of imdb dataset I Caution! under JupyterLab Online, this code makes reinitiate the kernel. Safe run it on my pc.

3.7 Example of imdb dataset II Caution! under JupyterLab Online, this code makes reinitiate the kernel. Safe run it on my pc.

  1. The neural networks learning with simplicity

4.1 Example 1

4.2 Example 2

4.3 Example 3

  1. Recurrent Neural Networks

5.1 Simple Example RNN

5.2 Example of forecasting of close prices of bitcoin using deep NN and RNN

5.3 Example of forecasting of close prices of bitcoin using LSTM

5.4 Example of forecasting ofGoogle stock prices using LSTM

  1. DataSets

6.1 Iris Dataset

6.2 Pima Dataset

6.3 Airbnb Dataset

6.4 Bitcoin Dataset

6.5 Google stock prices test Dataset

6.6 Google stock prices train Dataset