Forked from:
In this repository I've included getSmoothedPitches()
. This pYIN output is much more useful than frame-wise F0 estimation. I've also removed C and C# implementations, since I was not interested in them.
Check test_vamp_vs_libpyin
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ g++ main.cpp -L"." -lLibPyin -lsndfile -std=c++11 -I/usr/include
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ rm f0.lst; ./a.out test.wav out.wav >> f0.lst
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ sonic-annotator -t pyin.n3 test.wav -w csv --csv-one-file --force f0_gt.csv
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ python
Note: blue line is result by frame-wise estimation and black line is smoothed pitch contour obtained with sonic annotator.
Now, with getSmoothedPitches()
, we obtain:
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ g++ main_smooth.cpp -L"." -lLibPyin -lsndfile -std=c++11 -I/usr/include
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ rm f0.lst; ./a.out test.wav out.wav >> f0.lst
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ sonic-annotator -t pyin.n3 test.wav -w csv --csv-one-file --force f0_gt.csv
test_vamp_vs_libpyin$ python
Note: blue line is the result of getSmoothedPitches()
More info in