echinus wm. ========== 0.Installation 1.Configuration file 2.config.h header 3.About panels and pagers 0.Installation -------------- You need X11 and Xft headers to compile echinus wm and the pkg-config tool. Packages containing this stuff are probably named libx11-dev and libxft-dev (note "-dev" suffix). You need libxrandr for multihead support (can be disabled in if not needed). XRandr-enabled binary still works with single monitor configurations. # make # make install On new install: % mkdir ~/.echinus % cp -r CONFDIR ~/.echinus 1.Configuration file -------------------- Name: ~/.echinus/echinusrc Main settings Echinus*deflayout Layout applied to tag if not explicitly set by tags.layout later. One of: i - ifloating, f - floating, t - tiled, b - bottomstack, m - maximized. Echinus*mwfact Space occupied by master window in tiled layout (fraction of 1). Echinus*nmaster Number of clients in master area in tiled layout. Echinus*sloppy 0 - Click to focus 1 - Sloppy focus for floating clients 2 - Sloppy focus for everything 3 - Sloppy focus + raise on focus Echinus*modkey Choose modkey. A for alt, W - winkey, S - shift, C - control Title settings Echinus*decoratetiled - boolean (1 or 0) Draw titles in tiled mode Echinus*titleposition Echinus*tagbar Echinus*tbpos Were removed for more general interface, see below Echinus*titlelayout - string Titlebar consists of 3 parts separated with dashes or spaces. Left is aligned to left, center to center and right to right (obviously). Default value is "N IMC" meaning name on the left iconify, maximize and close buttons on right (note 2 spaces). - or ' ' (space) - skip space (space can't be used as first character) N - window name I - iconify M - maximize C - close T - tagbar Examples: -T-C - title centered, close button on right Color settings Echinus*selected.border Echinus*normal.border Echinus* Echinus* Echinus*selected.fg Echinus*normal.fg Echinus*selected.button Echinus*normal.button border - color of a small border around each window bg - titlebar background fg - titlebar foreground button - button foreground normal - unfocused window selected - window in focus Border settings Echinus*border width of the border, in pixels Button settings Echinus*button.iconify.pixmap (was: Echinus*button.left.pixmap) Echinus*button.maximize.pixmap (was: Echinus* Echinus*button.close.pixmap (was: Echinus*button.right.pixmap) buttons in the titlebar, left iconifies window, center switch to monocle (fullscreen) mode, right - close. ~ are not allowed in pathnames. Opacity Echinus*opacity Opacity value for inactive windows, you need xcompmgr running to see the result. Terminal app Echinus*command (was: Echinus*terminal) Application to run on right window click on root window. Title Echinus*title Titlebar height Echinus*font Titlebar font Tags Echinus*tags.number Number of tags Echinus*{...} Names for the tags Echinus*tags.layout{...} Layout per tag on start. See deflayout for possible values Hacks Echinus*hidebastards Set to 1 to hide panels, pagers and others with togglestruts function. Keybindings Format is "[ASCW] + key", where: A - Alt (mod1) S - Shift C - Control W - Windows key You can find the list of available keys in keysym.h and XF86keysym.h files (usually located in /usr/include/X11/), remove XK_ prefix before use. Don't miss ' ' (space). Echinus*togglestruts Echinus has no bar, but this binding switches the area on top or bottom which won't be covered by windows in tiled or monocle mode. Echinus*togglemonitor Switch from one monitor to another. Echinus*focusnext Echinus*focusprev Focus next and previous window Echinus*viewprevtag View previous tag set Echinus*quit Leave echinus Echinus*restart Restart echinus Echinus*killclient Close window in focus Echinus*togglefloating Toggle floating/tiled Echinus*view# View tag number # Echinus*tag# Tag current window with tag number # Echinus*toggleview# Toggle view number # Echinus*focusview# Toggle view number # and focus the first client from it. Echinus*viewlefttag Echinus*viewrighttag View tag on the left(right) of current Echinus*spawn#: <key> = program Run specified program. # is less than 64. Echinus*moveright Echinus*moveleft Echinus*moveup Echinus*movedown Syntax for this is rather untrivial: x y w h. For example move right for five pixels: Echinus*moveright: AS + l = +5 0 0 0 Echinus*resizedecx Echinus*resizedecy Echinus*resizeincy Echinus*resizeincx Same as above, but change second group of values. Resize by y for 5 pixels: Echinus*resizedecy: AS + v = 0 0 0 -5 Echinus*rule# Format is "<Window class|Window title> <tag> <isfloating> <hastitle>" 2.config.h header ----------------- Contains default values of options. You probably don't have to edit it. 3.About panels and pagers ------------------------- Echinus supports some parts of EWMH, so if the author of the pager knows what this magical letters mean it *should* work fine. Known to work: fbpanel ipager ourico Known to NOT work: pypanel