
A python tool for manipulating .bash_aliases

Primary LanguagePython


aliash_tool is a python tool for manipulating a .bash_aliases file and managing the scripts referenced therein.

Scripts are stored in a runtime configurable argument --script_dir, or in the path pointed to by the environment variable ALIASH_SCRIPTS_DIR, or by default in "$HOME"/Utilities.

Alias definitions referencing these scripts are stored in a runtime configurable argument --bash-aliases-file, or in the path pointed to by the environment variable ALIASH_SCRIPTS_FILE, or by default in a "$HOME"/.bash_aliases file.


Usage: aliash_tool [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  aliash_tool manages your .bash_aliases!

  --script-dir PATH
  --bash-aliases-file PATH
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  add       Create a new [ALIAS] and put its alias in .bash_aliases
  edit      Edit an [ALIAS] in the script_dir (requires nano)
  find      Find an alias in .bash_aliases using a [TAG]
  help      Display help for an [ALIAS] in .bash_aliases
  remove    Remove an [ALIAS] from .bash_aliases
  rename    Rename an [ALIAS] in .bash_aliases
  show-all  Basically just ls on the script_dir
  test      Test all methods of aliash_tool


The following example shows how to add, edit, search, rename, and remove aliases

aliash_tool add helloworld
aliash_tool edit helloworld # edit the script in nano
aliash_tool show-all
source ~/.bashrc
aliash_tool rename helloworld goodbyeworld
aliash_tool show-all
source ~/.bashrc
aliash_tool remove goodbyeworld
aliash_tool find world


python -m . venv
source bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --editable .
aliash --help

After installing the project in a virtual environment, you can set the following in your login profile (e.g. .bashrc) to have aliash at your disposal:

alias aliash='$PATH_TO_ALIASH_VENV/bin/aliash_tool'