Waco Kid is a re-implementation of Mailgun's Vulcand using Ngnix and lua for speed. It aims to be completely compatible with Vulcand's etcd configuration syntax, although it does not currently support configuration of SSL becuase of limitations of the Nginx+Lua API.
docker build -t waco-kid .
Only two variables really matter, WK_ETCD_URL
, which should be the full url
which defautls to /vulcand
Run docker run -it -e WK_ETCD_URL=http://${ETCD_SERVER_IP}:2379 -p 80:80 waco-kid
after building the image.
First build an image, then. Run
docker run -it -e WK_ETCD_URL=http://${ETCD_SERVER_IP}:2379 -p 80:80 -v $PWD:/app waco-kid
from the root of the repo. This mounts the current version
of the app into the image so you don't need to rebuild every time.
You can also run ./dev.sh
which will output the url to the container, but
does rebuild the image every time.