
A command line tool to execute commands when files are modified.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

File Watcher

File Watcher uses https://github.com/go-fsnotify/fsnotify to watch the filesystem and execute a command when a file changes.


go get github.com/dnephin/filewatcher


Run go tests

Run go tests for a package when a file is modified, exclude vim swap files.

filewatcher -x '**/*.swp' -x vendor/ -x .git go test './${dir}'


See filewatcher --help


File globbing patterns are used to match files, with one addition. See https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Match for the standard file matching rules. Exclude paths may also use a **/ prefix, which matches the pattern against any directory. This may be used to ignore files with a specific extension that may occur in any directory in the hierarhcy.


Commands may include variables in the form ${variable} which will be replaced with a value based on the file that was modified. Supported variables are:

  • filepath - the relative path to the file that changed
  • dir - the directory of the file that changed
  • relative_dir - the directory of the file that changes with a ./ prefix

These values are also set as environment variables for the process:

  • TEST_FILENAME - the relative path to the file that changed
  • TEST_DIRECTORY - the relative path to the directory of the file that changed