
CpprestSDK 오픈소스를 사용해 만든 Restful Server입니다.

Primary LanguageC++

C++ Restful server

--Made by : Hwan Choi

Hi, This code is based on the Microsoft open source project cpprestSDK. It works with MariaDB and communicates with the client in a Json way. It also supports Https and was created using boost's ssl library. Certificate generation was created using openssl.

When making a request to the server in Json, send it as ""(String). If you want to process data with a type other than String, modify the code.

Json example

{"id" : 1} -> X

{"id" : "1"} -> O

Here is my sample code. My samplecode

If you want a reference to cpprestSDK here. Cpprestful reference

The development environment is as follows.

Platfrom : Docker

OS : Ubuntu 20.04

Compiler : GCC/G++

DB : MariaDB

Code editor : Visual Studio Code


Install cpprestSDK if you want to use that code.

With apt-get on Debian/Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install libcpprest-dev

Install MariaDB

$ sudo apt-get install libmariadb-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev

How to build my project code.

1. MariaDB service start.

$ service mysql restart

2. stdafx.hpp compile

$ sudo ./build_hpp.sh

3. Modify the main.cpp code.

In the main.cpp code, you need to set it according to your DB table environment.

Part Part is mariaID and elements of mytable_list

4. MakeFile

$ make

5. Start server!!

$ sudo ./start.exe

Use curl for a simple communication check.

If you are working with curl, use http for the server.

GET request

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:10022

POST request

$ curl -d '{"id":"1", "name":"hwan", "start_year":"2020-08-23", "end_year":"2020-08-23", "img":" ", "text":"test"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:10022

PUT request

$ curl -d '{"id":"1", "name":"Hong", "img":" ", "text":"Hello word!!"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:10022

DELETE request

$ curl -d '{"id":"1"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:10022
