
💬 This is a simple react + express + socket.io real-time application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a real time React + Express + Socket.io realtime application

For more information about the tech stack visit:

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.

To start the project:

You will need to have nodeJs (which comes with npm) or use [yarn] https://yarnpkg.com/ installed

Backend server:

  • Go to the folder /server-chat
  • Run npm install or yarn
  • Run node server.js

it will install all the dependencies and start the app at the port 8000

To start the cliend side:

  • Go to the folder /client-chat
  • Run npm install or yarn
  • Run npm start

it will install all the dependencies and start the app at the port 3000

Things to come:

  • chat client styling
  • cleaning the server