Ttyh Master

This is the new implementation of the minecraft-master but written in Rust. It is created just for fun as an education project.

It can be built to work with SQLite or MySQL databases.


It requires to install the sqlx-cli first:

cargo insatll sqlx-cli

Then you need to set up the .env file:

Database Command
SQLite echo "DATABASE_URL=sqlite://workdir/db_name.db" > .env
MySQL echo "DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:password@host/db_name" > .env

After that you can crate the database:

sqlx database create

Now you can execute migrations:

Database Command
SQLite sqlx migrate run --source migrations/sqlite
MySQL sqlx migrate run --source migrations/mysql

The last step is to build the app:

Database Command
SQLite cargo build --release --features sqlite
MySQL cargo build --release --features mysql

Don't forget to set up the working directory before run. You should set up the configuration file, and prepare some assets (server key, default skin). For details see the example config.

Sample workdir structure:

├── assets/
│   ├── capes/
│   ├── skins/
│   └── default_skin
├── keypairs/
├── config.toml
├── example.db
└── server_key.pem

Internal API

The internal API is very basic and allows to create, get and update players:

Action Endpoint Request Payload Responses
Create a new player POST /ttyh/player CreatePlayerRequest 400, 500, 200
Get player info GET /ttyh/player/:name 400, 404, 500, 200 + PlayerInfoResponse
Update player info POST /ttyh/player/:name UpdatePlayerRequest 400, 404, 500, 200

Every endpoint should be called with the authorisation header: Authorization: Bearer token-defined-in-the-config.

Response codes follow the standard HTTP convention:

  • 400 - Authorisation header is not set or invalid
  • 404 - Player not found
  • 500 - Database query error
  • 200 - Operation successful