
This repo consists of material for the Society of Historical Archaeology (SHA) workshop, 'GIS for Archaeologists'

MIT LicenseMIT


This repo consists of material for the Society of Historical Archaeology (SHA) workshop, 'GIS for Archaeologists'

Workshop Schedule*



Introductions and Logistics

  1. Why is GIS important in archaeology?

  2. Openness in archaeology

  3. What is QGIS?

  4. Types of materials

    4.1. Anything with locational information

    4.2. Precise or General

    4.3. Census

    4.4. Photos

    4.5. Scanned Maps (Rumsey)

    4.6. Web Map Services and Streaming spatial data

Preparing Data

  1. Data structure

  2. What do data look like for use in a GIS?

  3. How do we format data for further use

    7.1. Scripted Workflow (OpenRefine)

  4. Rasters and Vectors

    8.1. Overview and Basic Description

    8.2. What does a raster look like?

    8.3. What does a vector (shapefile) look like?

    8.4. Tips, tricks, caveats

  5. Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)

    9.1. What is a coordinate reference system and why do we want it?

  6. Let’s look at some data

    10.1. Suggest ways to use census data

    10.2. Pulling data into QGIS




Visualizing Spatial Data

  1. Examples of good visualizations

  2. Styling a Map

    12.1. Styling Vector data

    12.2. Colors (show LiDAR data?)

    12.3. Transparency

    12.4. Styling

    12.5. Symbols

    12.6. Colors

    12.7. Size/ shape

    12.8. Labels




Turning your GIS work into a publishable paper map

  1. QGIS Print composer

    13.1. Map

    13.2. Scale

    13.3. Tick marks

    13.4. Legend

    13.5. North arrow

    13.6. Appropriate colors

    13.7 Reporting method

  2. Replicability

    14.1. Publishing online (Open Context/ Zenodo)


  1. Open Work Time with Instructors